Actions Are Greater Than Words

By Evan Sanders

Words are what you think you are. Actions are what you actually are.

While what you say has a major effect on your world, it's really all about actions. It's about being able to be a man or woman of your world and do what you say you're going to do.

Simply put, if you want to change your life, guess what you have to do? Change your actions.

Before I give you a tip that has changed my life, I want to return back to why actions are so fundamentally powerful.

It goes further than just being able to follow through with what you say you are going to do. It's what actually doing it says about YOU.

What do I mean? Your actions are the result of the amount of integrity you have in your life.

And to take it another step...

When you get to the place where your actions and your words truly line up, that's when things drastically start to shift.

So if you tell yourself or another that you're going to do something, make sure you do it. Washing the dishes, cleaning your room, finishing a presentation, making a sales call...whatever it may be.

Every time you don't do what you say you're going to do other people stop trusting you, and even worse, you stop trusting yourself.

And when you lose that, it's an awful uphill battle in the snow (been there). So commit to living your life in integrity. Give your word and most importantly...

Actions are louder than words. Always.

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