Learning How People Helping People Can Change The World

By Eric Barnes

There are so many individuals within the world who are willing to give a helping hand to their fellow human beings who are in trouble. This is why people helping people is really great and it happens throughout the year. Sometimes a person can feel very lonely and depressed and they are looking for some type of kindness from anyone.

It is quite awkward when someone comes across a person who has given up the will to live and needs to separate themselves from society. A dedicated teacher who made her home in South Carolina wanted to do more for the world and therefore she started her own unique care service. This woman also knew that the humans making their homes in a retirement facility were easily forgotten by everyone. At least one day during the week she made an effort to take these individuals enjoyable reading material.

This lady was never frustrated even though it took her a bit of time to get to this particular place. Fortunately during the summer days it was still quite light outdoors and it made the trip more bearable. When she finally got to her destination the security people were very glad to see her.

One lively gentleman living at this location would help her carry all of these valuable books into the facility. The lead nurse would then take her into the main parlor while the other staff members would gather up every patient living there. For the first hour of the evening this lucky lady had the pleasure of holding a church meeting for all of these older individuals.

They would laugh and sing during this session. Prayer always seemed to help many of them since they did not get to see their family and friends on a regular basis anymore. She was considered to be a great preacher who knew all about the bible and the scripture of the Lord.

Luckily the nurses and other staff members were there to assist the women who became very happy during the sermon. It was also fortunate that no one within the group fainted or had any other type of trauma. Every individual thought that this woman was truly an angel who was working for God. She was very beautiful and did not have a huge ego.

Once this crew had finished with their bible session each person on staff would take one of the novels which were brought in. One of these care givers would then go in front of the audience while taking a chair with him/her. They would then sit down and read aloud. The older group and attendants would listen to such delightful stories as "Moby Dick" or "A Tale of Two Cities."

Every person within the room seemed very relaxed as they listened to each of these stories which had such wonderful messages within them. At times the group would laugh out loud when something weird or funny happened during the story. When all was said and done the delightful woman gathered her things and took off into the night.

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