The Single Most Important Reason To Let Go

By Evan Sanders

"Don't be afraid to let go. Every new adventure begins with the ending of another." - The Better Man Project

Why are we all so frightened to let go of things in our life?

Because we don't think we will find something better.

We believe somewhere deep down that what we had is "it" for us and that we won't be able to find something that replaces what once was.

But the truth is, when you really look at it, every ending of a story is a bit chaotic but it always births something new. Out of every dark space we have to walk through we end up returning back into the light.

This is absolutely true in relationships. Many times you have to walk away from someone and the pain feels unending. But the reality is that there was probably someone before that person who you had to heal from as well.

Then that new person came in and healed the wounds you were carrying.They soothed the pain that was turning you inside out.

And if that relationship falls apart, it will happen again.

And another after that...

Until one day, someone will come into your life who refuses to walk away from you.They will want you and do anything to keep you. They will prove to you just how much they love you and you will love them right back.

That will be one of the best days of your life.

So until then, be gentle with yourself and know that the universe has a wonderful way of giving you exactly what you need to grow.

Notice how I didn't say "want."

While these lessons and challenges can be incredibly difficult, they help you grow into a person who can take on life's greatest challenges one step at a time.

By staying completely open to experiencing all of the different colors of life, you will live in the present moment and continue growing.

That's a happy life. That's one of fulfillment.

Trust that.

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