Christian Churches Often Face Challenges

By Dwight Stevenson

I recently spoke to a man that was struggling with some of his own emotional pain. He was crying to me on the telephone and asking me how he can get rid of his pain. He was a drug user and alcoholic. He did not know how to get rid of the painful memories of his past. He had been to rehab and to many alcoholic's anonymous groups over the years. He never found any cure that worked for him. I asked him, "Have you ever tried turning your life over to God?" He said, "yes", but it never worked for him. I realized in my heart that this man needed courage to change his life.

As I sat and spoke with him, he told me that he always had bad thoughts of not wanting to live anymore. He told me that life had become a painful mess for him. It was full of sadness and pain daily. He was angry at the hand that life had dealt him. He wept and said to me, "What makes you happy?" I was blunt with him and said, "God makes me happy. When I pray, I feel at peace. God has taught me to let the past go because I cannot do anything to change it." Yes, he said. That is so true. He asked me, "How can I get to a place in my life where I no longer have to live in my pain. I want to forget my memories of all the people that have hurt me from a long time ago."

The famous preachers are known by millions of people. If they were to live in a basic home without security, I wonder if they could walk out of their house every day without being bombarded. Pastors like Benny Hinn have lots of children. He resides in a mansion with his wife and children and has for many years. To the outside world, it may look as though he is just greedy and is hoarding all for the money for himself. He has his own jet and fancy cars. Is he living in sin? I don't believe so. I say this because he had to work hard to be at the level he is at today. He built his ministry from the ground up. Nobody handed him Benny Hinn Ministries.

I want to call this man John. John said to me, "How can I change? When will I be a better man? Is God punishing me?" I had to meditate on this. I often get asked a lot of questions by people because I am a prophetic ministry. I said to the man, "Please tell me that you feel ashamed and guilty for what you have done." He said, "I do. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed at all the pain that I have caused people. I am now 50 and heading towards the later part of my life." He said, "I am so sorry for what I have done." I said to him, "Go and apologize to as many people as you possibly can. Tell them how sorry you are until you feel like the guilt is gone from your mind. If it is there, it will always be a part of you." He agreed that he would do everything in his power to release this inner pain and to confess his wrongs that he did against others.

When I was twenty-seven, I felt God calling me to a prophetic c ministry. I felt like I could help people because I would often get prophetic insights into people's lives for many different reasons. When I would focus in on their problems, I would get answers. As I began to read for people on the psychic hotline, I realized that I had a gift worth sharing. People would often pay me money to give them a psychic reading. I have grown since those days and now prefer not to do psychic readings for money or even for pleasure. I guess after doing it for over seven years, my body got tired of it. I got used to hearing about people's problems and my energy took a beating. Psychic readings often take everything out of you. For whatever reason, psychic readings can really beat you up at times. It takes a lot of discipline to learn how to read for others. It's best to ask God when and if you should be doing psychic readings or what your spiritual path is in life. I learned about my spiritual gifts through journaling. I used to write in my journal at least once a day. I was able to figure out what I wanted and what I felt God was leading me to. I felt empowered to live my life according to what God wanted for me. I am happy to say that Jesus took me by the hand and showed me what my life was supposed to be all about. I thank God for giving me love and a spirit that is full of life and happiness. I thank God for taking care of me over the years. I really feel blessed because of it.

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