Finding Forever With Professional Relationship Advice

By Christine Sanders

Human beings are social animals. They live in communities, they form platonic attachments to each other. Sometimes, they even form romantic attachments to one another. People fall in love out of time. But love has its highs and lows. When its high, it is a drug like no other. When its low, there is professional relationship advice to help with the problem.

Human beings fall for each other for a number of reasons. Intimacy is among them, a person wants to be vulnerable every now and then, wants to let their walls down, and having an intimate partner allows that to happen. But the main reason people fall, at least the heterosexuals, is because of procreation. Human beings pair off because of some ingrained instinct to find someone to help make more human beings.

Of course, sometimes people succeed in their quest to procreate. It is a beautiful thing, to watch life come into the world. Unfortunately, what happens afterwards is a total mess, a veritable war on the sanity. Children have needs but do not always posses the means to communicate those needs effectively, which means a lot of screaming and crying. Children also have to be fed, clothed, and sheltered, which means that one partner has to go back to work in order to make enough money to care for the newborn. Now, caring for kids is all well and good, but some couples put so much of their focus on keeping the little gremlins alive that they forget about each other in the process.

But there is more the fracturing of a relationship than simply losing sight of each other. When two people fall for each other, they become one couple. But they also remain separate people, with their own experiences and ideas and opinions. Now, sometimes those opinions can differ. Differing opinions may or may not lead to arguments. Now, if a couple argues and does not resolve it, the issue can bring about resentment, which can lead to a relationship fracturing.

Sometimes, people are just bored of each other. No matter how in love a couple is at the start, there are times when things can get a little stale. This can particularly prominent after seven years of being together. The phenomenon, dubbed the seven year itch, has been observed in married couples, as divorce rates tend to rise around seven years after first exchanging vows.

Sometimes, problems arise in a partnership because people fall out of sync with each other. It is not boredom, a lack of intimacy, or any other factors. Sometimes, a person just changes so much that the relationship is no longer viable.

But a lot of couples, particularly married ones with kids, try and stick it out, try to make things work. As such, many of them try to get counseling. Sometimes, if religious, they go to a priest or a pastor. But, mostly, people go to a therapist to seek some kind of help.

At the end of the day however, love is about choice. The choice is to stay in love. Couples have to wake up every day and choose each other, choose to care about one another.

Life is a difficult thing to go through. But the right partner can make it easier. But staying for the partner might take a little effort.

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