Why People Still Trust Mediums

By Shirley Scott

Humans have always been keen on attempts to contact the deceased. One practice that reportedly links the worlds of the living and the dead is called mediumship. A San Diego medium possesses the psychic abilities that allow them to see and communicate with the dead.

Many cultures allow families around the world time to reconnect with their deceased loved ones. Preparations include massive feasts and major prayer vigils preceding these celebrations, where all family members are usually invited. These are mostly done in hope and faith that the deceased have found peace in the afterlife.

This just goes to show how much we respect the souls of the dead. An overwhelming amount of the population believes in the possibility of an afterlife. Because most of us share religious backgrounds, many of us can understand how others believe that death is not the final chapter.

Different religions and cultures may interpret the afterlife differently, but the main idea that there is more to life after death remains the same. For those who believe in this or are seeking for some sort of reconnection with spirits, mediums are often called upon. Now, this practice is highly controversial as there is hardly any evidence to back up any claims that these mediums make.

Skeptics tend to point out that most of what takes place in a session is built around observational and circumstantial evidence. Still, others insist that a session has been successful and they were able to establish communication with the dead. The only thing that can be agreed upon is the fact that all this controversy only proves how much our traditions are deeply rooted in our religious backgrounds.

If psychics use their intuition to make readings, mediums take this intuition one step further. They take this energy and direct it around building a line of communication with the spirits surrounding a person. This way, they serve as the channel between the living and the deceased. Obviously, none of these are grounded on facts so there is no appropriate way to tell someone how to choose a medium.

Those who are interested will just have to rely on their intuition and determine whether or not that medium can deliver what they want. They still have to be extremely cautious since faking psychic abilities are obviously not that difficult because rarely anyone looks for concrete physical evidence. Psychic frauds commonly take advantage of the Forer Effect. In order to achieve this effect, they first manage to get their clients to spill some personal information with conversational tactics.

Frauds then spin their readings around this information and hint at possible notions that are relevant to almost anyone. Frauds who have had enough experience know the right words to say and when to say them to make clients believe their predictions and assumptions. Physical clues like items of clothing or scars also help psychics indicate the preferences and characteristics of their client.

It actually takes some serious skill and tons of experience to be able to pull this off. Because of the psychological skills that psychics have developed over their careers, some are actually capable of spotting clues in the demeanor of their clients that ultimately help them determine facts about other people. Still, those who believe in the supernatural should not be ashamed. If practices like these help people cope with grief, then perhaps they are actually harmless and rather beneficial.

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