Discovering The Relevance Of Emotional Intelligence In A Workplace

By Helen Williams

Do you know what you are good at? Everyone has his or her own skills or talent. You can be great in Mathematics and Logic. Or perhaps you are more interested and capable in learning musical instruments. Or maybe puzzles attract your attention. Regardless of what you currently have, it certainly is important to practice and master it for you to execute it proficiently. But then again, you must also not only focus on your strengths. Discover other of your skills as well. And speaking of that, emotional intelligence certification can also be your good point when you finally to work on your profession.

People usually get astounded whenever they meet someone who is superiorly intelligent. Having a resume with lots of academic achievements or awards is really appealing to look at. But like what other says, your awards and grades in academics does not totally define you as a whole. Performance still matters though. But what if you perform well but certainly suck at connecting with other individuals? That will still be pointless. With that, employers will definitely consider the EQ or the emotional intelligence of people before hiring or promoting them.

You certainly have taken an IQ test at your school. Basically, it is a standardized test which measures the intellectual capacity of your brain. On the other hand, EQ focuses on different aspects. It determines the measurement of social and self-awareness, social skills and self-management of a person. When your EQ is higher, you are very capable on comprehending the emotions of others as well as managing your own.

So let us go back to employment setting. Of course, individuals with logical skills are qualified to be employed. But employers also look for those individuals who are also emotionally intelligent. Nevertheless, what do you think are the benefits of having an emotionally intelligent employees?

There will be a good teamwork of the employees. When your interpersonal and communication skills are high, interacting and adjusting with others will be manageable. Collaboration is a key to success and having a collaborative employees will definitely improve the quality of a company.

When a worker can comprehend emotions, insensitivity will likely not happen. That is because he knows what to do so problem will not turn even worse. Employees will value good morals and also respect. That way, problems especially personal ones will not likely surface always and that eliminates toxic within the group.

Leadership skills will also certainly improve. Being a team leader really requires you some good interpersonal skills. Through that, the leader will know how to build rapport and keep the team together. He or she can also motivate and persuade the team.

Most importantly, you will have a sense of self-management. You truly understand your emotions, what things trigger you and what things motivate you. When some dilemmas occur, you know how to act on that dire situation. This is certainly helpful when your workplace requires some heavy and power works and you would not easily get mentally stressed.

Do not be discouraged if you keep on getting low grades on your class. As long you certainly know how to collaborate with others, you still can be successful. For that reason, never neglect your emotional intelligence.

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