Natural Healing Portland Experts Provide Can Encourage Weight Loss

By George Young

Some people have a hard time slimming down despite of eating healthily and exercising regularly. Clearly, there are other problems that need to be addressed aside from consuming fattening foods and having a sedentary lifestyle. According to natural healing Portland practitioners, there are some really important issues that have to be taken into consideration if the goal is to lose excess weight effectively and safely.

Chronic stress is a problem shared by many people these days. Doctors confirm that there are different health issues that may show up if you're unable to manage your stress effectively. Heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes are just a few examples. Your risk of developing cancer is also increased, based on studies. According to mental health authorities, majority of depressed or anxious individuals these days are leading extremely stressful lives.

Not so many people know the fact that weight gain is linked to stress, too. That's because having constantly elevated stress hormones within you can cause the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region. The problem with fat in the midsection is it can be very stubborn. This is basically the reason why some people end up having liposuction that's not only expensive but also risky.

Stress can also cause abnormal spikes in the levels of sugar in the blood. It's for this reason exactly why being stressed all the time can trigger diabetes. Having increased blood sugar is bad news especially for weight conscious individuals. That's because it can increase hunger, which is basically the reason behind the so called stress eating. What's so worrying about this is it can leave a person craving nothing but foods and beverages that are loaded with sugar and fat.

There are some medical issues that can be blamed for an individual's failure to slim down, too. An example of this is the endocrine problem hypothyroidism. This disease is characterized by the failure of the gland called thyroid to secrete sufficient amounts of hormones, including one that regulates the metabolism. So in other words, hypothyroidism can slow down the metabolic rate. It's no secret that a sluggish metabolism can make weight loss almost impossible.

Diabetes is another medical condition that can be blamed for unwanted weight gain. Just like what's mentioned earlier, it has something to do with abnormally high levels of glucose in the bloodstream which can considerably increase your appetite. Do take note that aside from gaining excess pounds there are so many other problems that may come into being if diabetes is controlled poorly.

In older women, menopause is something that can encourage unnecessary gaining of weight. Hormonal imbalance taking place within the body is responsible for the many annoying issues that menopause is known bring, including a sluggish metabolism. Muscle loss is also a menopause related matter that can lead to the appearance of unnecessary pounds.

Without taking drugs or undergoing invasive procedures, these health concerns can be managed through natural healing. Herbal preparations, therapeutic massages and other alternative forms of treatment are the ones involved. Through such approach, you can have a slimmer body in a risk free manner.

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