The Major Teachings Of Coward Baptist Church

By Thomas Murray

There are around two billion Christians in the world. There are over 37 million churches and around 30,000 Christian denominations. The various Christian denominations do not conflict each other. They complement each other due to the fact that they have a lot in common. The similarities between the different churches far out shadow the differences. It is accurate to conclude that there is unity in the body of Christianity. Unity is the order of the day. The Coward Baptist Church has a lot of similarities with other Bible-believing churches out there. A true church will follow the Bible to the letter.

Baptist teachings come directly from the Bible. This is the holiest book in Christianity. The Bible never lies. Heaven and earth will pass away but no single word of Scripture will pass without being fulfilled. Most prophesies have already been fulfilled. Some are currently being fulfilled. The few that are remaining will be fulfilled in the future. That is the truth. It is the reality that every Christian should know.

The Holy Bible is the most translated book in the world. That is the reality. It is the truth. There is simply no book on earth that is as accurate as the Holy Bible. As a matter of fact, Scripture does not contradict itself. Instead, it is the behavior of people that contradicts the teachings of Scripture. A believer should strictly follow Scripture.

Churches usually teach about love. Christians need to love their neighbors as they love themselves. A believer should not only love the people who love him. He should also love those who hate him. That is the meaning of true love. All the commandments that were handed down to Moses can be summarized into one word; love. It is all about love.

Churches also teach about morality. The Ten Commandments deal with issues of morality. They offer a moral compass to Christians. A moral life is the best life that a person can live in the present day world. Such a life guarantees a good life on planet earth and an even greater eternal life. Actually, heaven is real. It is a physical place.

A society that is bankrupt of morality will not last for long. It will eventually crumble. Sin came to the world and humanity sank into a pit of sinfulness. Since the first humans sinned, the human condition has not been pleasant. There is a lot of suffering on earth because of the sinful condition of humanity. Sin is forgivable.

It is possible to be cleansed of all manner of sin. That is the greatest news of the ages. The feet that bring the good news are beautiful. It is desirable to have beautiful feet. The path to the total forgiveness of sin starts with baptism. After that, an individual should be baptized with water that has been blessed.

To grow stronger in the faith, a believer needs to pray without ceasing. A lifestyle of prayer will lead to victory. There are many temptations that stand in the way of a Christian. However, it is possible to conquer all of them through prayer. The importance of prayer must never be taken lightly. Prayer will provide much needed answers.

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