The Pros And Cons Of Energy Cording

By Andrew Walker

It helps out a lot to get to know this kind of communication by realizing that it is not happening on the physical plane. Since it is happening on an energetic level, it is not something that can be detected with the standard five senses. In order to understand energy cording, it is necessary to look deeper.

This is usually something that will happening between two people. However, there are plenty of cases where you can find it happening to all kinds of other numbers of people as well. Once you have been hanging out as a group of friends for long enough, it becomes hard not to make that kind of connection.

You will commonly see this sort of a bond forming between a mother and a child. This makes a lot of sense since the two of them spend nine months so physically close to one another. While the umbilical cord might be something that gets cut shortly after birth, the cords that exist on the energetic plane lasts much longer.

You will want to watch out for times when cords like these can actually be unhealthy. That way, you will avoid falling into bad tendencies and letting your energies flow in too many different directions. If you are not in complete control of your own mind, you might find it difficult to keep everything in your life clear.

When you are working a job with somebody or creating a project, you might find it so much easier to gel with them when you are able to cord. This does not happen every time since the recipient has to accept the offer. These temporary cords can happen all the time.

Depending on the role that the person has in your life, you might find that different chakras are being activated. Noticing the difference between these chakras, not to mention the people you are around when you feel them activated, can help you isolate what kind of a role they are playing. Whether it is an intimate partner, a teacher, or even an enemy, there are all kinds of bonds that you can find in your life.

Decording can be a very difficult and long process, but you will almost always find it to be worth it in the end. When you really need to have a cord eliminated from your life, it is something that you will want to invest a lot of time and energy in. That way, you can live up to your fullest potential once things are back in balance in your world.

Forming a cord with someone is not always something that comes overnight. It might take a lot of practice before you start to feel comfortable with it. Knowing this makes it all the easier to carry on when things are tough. It might also help to find a team of people to work with, such as a group of friends who are interested in this same kind of thing, and so that way they can all help keep you motivated when you are feeling at your weakest.

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