Know Blog Identity God Edification Christian Book

By Kenneth Peterson

Our world could be the least exciting place to reside in because of chaos, conflicts, and broken relationships. These timely occurrences have always been present since the ancient times. Our society has evolved in terms of technology but our spiritual beings are still suffering. In this article, we will learn blog identity God edification Christian book.

Some individuals just could not understand what the real purpose of these teachings is. Sometimes, biblical scriptures just only sue representations that we could relate to in our present society. In this way, we can compare how these statements are applicable in our current situations and life difficulties. There is no way for these scriptures to miss a single point.

The words are all on point and all we have to do are to ponder on it and to apply it in our daily lives. Sometimes, we would forget the importance of living healthy and handling our relationships with utmost faithfulness and loyalty. Our relationship with God is the most important above all. Even though we have failed our promises a lot of times, He would never leave us.

Sometimes, we forget how necessary it is to withstand against peer pressure and societal demands. Our focus should not only be directed to industrial and organization events but also in enhancing our religious devotions. When people are too confined in world creatures and relationships, then they can never achieve actualization. Wisdom is only attained when we can already understand how everything works.

Once we start to identify with Him, we already are safe and protected. When we want to desire too much on material things, we might engage in stealing, being insecure, and cheating. If we remain simple and humble, we would no longer take worldly materials as a big issue since we have our own priorities as well. Our priority should be focused on heavenly things.

These individuals would suffer from unawareness of surrounding and themselves. Their intrapersonal awareness has not yet fully developed. These crises are only healed once we fully identify ourselves not in organizations and groups of fanatics, but we must identify ourselves with God. In this way, we can bring ourselves closer to Him and experience real happiness and contentment.

Lifelong relationships would improve our wellbeing and of course, would develop our social interest. Social interest does not necessarily being one with the world. We need to mingle with others so as to spread the word of God and to influence them with good values. We must not try to convince anyone with our own personal values.

When we disregard these dilemmas, we can no longer notice how inferior we were since this is not already where our focus is directed. Therefore, we become happier and more contented of what we acquire and what we are. Happiness is something that money could never buy. Thus, being knowledgeable about these concepts would broaden our perspective.

Our interpersonal and intrapersonal strengths is obtained by self awareness. Once we acknowledge our flaws and strengths, we may achieve actualization. The true value of life does not lie on our religious beliefs, backgrounds, and personal preferences. It lies on how strong our faith is and how committed and devoted we are to Him.

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