Home Remedy for Panic Attacks

By Daniel Barlow

So maybe you feel the thought of taking manufactured drugs for panic attacks is just scary. Even though the medical community says they are safe and that you will be helped by them, it just seems like the first thing any physician wants to do is to drug you up with the latest pharmaceutical concoction. Then a few years later you start hearing about all the nasty side-effects that they hadn't noticed in the original studies. No. You're not into being the medical community's guinea pig. Instead of taking some laboratory manufactured drug, why not look for ways to use your body's own natural remedies for panic attacks. So here are some natural remedies for panic attacks:
[the linden method]

Grape juice? Seriously? Is that same grape juice that your mother would never let you drink on the carpet considered to be one of the most effective remedies for panic attacks? Oddly, the answer is, "Yes."Grape juice is believed to prevent heart palpitations, which can be one of the more disconcerting symptoms of panic attacks. For greatest benefit, grape juice should be consumed on a daily basis.Tropical Remedy.Ripe guava is believed to prevent heart palpitations and ease anxiety. Maybe that explains why the castaways of "Gilligan's Island" didn't have panic attacks when the headhunters showed up on the island.Note: Guava juice is typically diluted with other juices and is not believed to be an effective home remedy.

Exercise - Even your doctor will agree with this one: perhaps the best of the natural remedies for panic attacks is exercise. Nothing beats exercise. You see, a panic attack is a disorder where your nervous system shoots adrenaline into your body mimicking the flight or fight response that you get to help you survive life threatening situations. So, when you sit down and try to relax-like a lot of medical professionals will tell you-you are actually working against your body's own natural inclination.

Taking in supplements.Another home remedy for panic attacks is to take in supplements such as Vitamin B. In fact, many sufferers are Vitamin B deficient. Vitamin B deficiency symptoms include anxiety,fatigue, emotional instability, irritability and restlessness which cause panic attacks.Taking in such supplement alleviates the symptoms and prevents anxiety attacks. Not only that, it also lessens stress and promotes proper nerve function. Besides vitamin B, B6, calcium and magnesium should also be taken on a regular basis. Make sure that this is combined with proper diet and exercises as stated above.

Also, generally speaking, studies have found that people who exercise regularly (not just when having panic attacks) are far less likely to have panic attacks to begin with. When they do have panic attacks they are less severe and less frequent. Nothing Beats Exercise!

Avoid Caffeine and other Drugs - This is a hard one for a lot of people who feel they need their cup of coffee in the morning to get through the day. Part of the reason, though, that so many of us are stressed out is that we are already putting drugs into our bodies everyday. We just don't think of them as drugs because we don't need a prescription for them.

Homeopathy.Homeopathic remedies are additional natural remedies for panic attacks, and they use dilutions of some herb or flower essence. They are another resource to try. For example Bach Flower Remedies, a variety of homeopathic solutions created from flower essences includes one specific remedy called the Rescue Remedy.The rescue remedy is create specifically for those in the midst of trauma and any type of anxiety type of experience.Other remedies (unrelated to Bach Flower Remedies) include "Kali phos 6x" which is a nerve tonic. It is said to be helpful in the case of a rundown nervous system due to worry or excitement.

All of these will help you fight off panic attacks. Also, alcohol and other forms of recreational drugs (yeah, I'm talking about pot) may give you a temporary feeling of calmness, they are actually stealing your body's ability to naturally deal with anxiety. So when you use these drugs recreation ally, you may feel good at the time, but the next day, hung over and tired, you are far more prone to having attacks. You are also far less likely to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet if you are a regular user of recreational drugs.Put simply, the best natural remedies for panic attacks-deep breathing, exercise and avoiding drugs-are just another way of saying: "Live well." There is just no substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Try it! You might find you really like it!

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