Interviews With Successful People - Raphael Yadgaroff - Krav Maga Instructor

By Maria M. Moller

Krav Maga Training classes are gaining popularity worldwide thanks to the simplistic approach applied in Krav Maga tactics for self defense and attack. Krav Maga, which means "close combat," is a form of martial arts developed in Israel. It covers a variety of striking techniques including wrestling and grappling, which prepare a person to encounter brutal attacks. It is being practiced in several parts of the world. This martial art form is gaining wider acceptance among common people, as well as those preparing for special employment opportunities as bodyguards or security personnel.
[Krav Maga Classes]

However, in order to get best results one needs to take a structured course with a definite start and end date. It helps you in becoming effective within short duration. Some courses are taught in intense manner in two days and for some training is given on one night per week which continues for 12 weeks. Krav-Maga does not include katas, Dojo Rules or even Budo Mumbo Jumbo which is included in traditional Martial Arts. It uses hand to hand combat uses technique that has really been effective on both the street as well as battlefield to deal with violent encounter. One needs to be physically fit to be expert in these trainings. Its classes are mainly based on Cardio and they make you continuously drill self-defense techniques.

It's Training classes provide training on a variety of fight patterns that will prove to be highly effective while fighting your enemy. The training classes give specialized training on various self defense tactics against common attack types like choke holds, arm grabs and bear hugs. It also teaches the basics of fighting, for example, identifying the vulnerable areas of the enemy and attacking that part of the enemy's body. Further training is given on competitive handling of weapons such as guns, knives and sticks.

Learning it will not only teach you how to fight, but also teach you how to finish your attacker as soon as possible, this ensures your safety when you fight the more chances of the other to get hurt.The best instructor is the one who has gained the knowledge and skills to prepare his students face any tough combats in their lives. Krav-Maga, translated as "close combat" is a combination of martial arts and street fights practiced in ancient Israel.It also teaches counter attacks as well as the use of weapons such as knives, guns and rods. A professionally trained instructor will be able to teach these disciplines to his/her students so that they become equipped with the right skills to face any tough situation in their lives.

You Have Competed In Cage Fights And Grappling Competitions, How Did This Come About?The chances are that if you name a martial art, I have done it. I have studied Karate, Brazillian Jui Jitsu (BJJ), Nin Jitsu, Krav Maga, Muay Tai, a different style of Krav Maga, Shoalin Kung Fu, Boxing, Kick Boxing, S.P.E.A.R system and other reality based systems, I think there are a couple more in there, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.I have always found that MMA, linked with Krav Maga, works very, very well, especially because, at the end of the day, MMA is still very all around. It's stand up grappling and groundwork. With Krav Maga and its movements and ideas, they together make a very effective system. That's why I keep doing it, the cage fights, the grappling competitions and the training.

Tell Us About How You Feel Before A Competition? Good, I feel very... my heart races up! Weak, but strong at the same time... After all the Krav Maga I have done, I have trained myself to get into a very different mindset to what I have normally when I walk about my life. If I become threatened, it's like a switch that goes off: I go into, like, a kill mode. That's what I try and teach my students, how I feel when I get into a cage fight. I don't think, "I am going to have a competition here". I think, "I need to kill the guy in front of me. I need to finish him".How Do You Feel After A Competition? It depends if I win or lose. I haven't lost yet, so I don't know about that. I usually feel pretty good afterwards, pretty happy. Then again, sometimes I want to get back in and finish him because he is still walking. This, in my eyes, as a result of Krav Maga mentality, doesn't seem right. He shouldn't be able to get up.

Make sure that you need to learn the skills to both neutralize the opponent while also preparing themselves to fight fiercely. This training is highly useful for people aspiring to become security personnel or body is a self defense system developed and used by the Israeli elite military unit. This martial art covers striking, wrestling and grappling techniques.

Where Does Your Drive And Passion Come From? My drive is the idea that it is something that I am good at and also that any day and at any moment, I could be fighting for my life. I don't want to be caught off guard. I am not ready to die. I love my life.Do You Believe In A Higher Power?No, not really. That is a very different question. I don't believe in a god, but the idea that something could be out there. yeah, fine, but I am not religious.Where Does Your Inspiration Come From?It's just from myself. I have always wanted to do it for me. I never wanted to do anything in my life related to my martial arts just to prove something to someone else or for someone else; I will only do it if I want to. Because I am a driven and motivated person, I have always achieved my goals. I said I would have a cage fight, and I have had one. Now I am training for another one. I will do it because I want to. People don't force me to do things that I don't want to because it is not a good mentality through which to live your life.

Imi relocated to Israel in the 1940s and began to teach his combat system. Imi's method was then adopted by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) as its official hand-to-hand combat style.Over the decades, it has been refined greatly not only for the military and the police but for civilians as well.With the growing number of street crimes, more and more people are turning to learn it as a tool for self defense.The Israeli self defense system is suitable for street crime situations. Its core principle is to finish a fight as soon as possible. Due to this, all attacks under this system are directly aimed on the most vulnerable body parts, such as the neck, groin, knee, armpits and joints.

Students who learn the system will also be taught on how to respond on any attack using quick combinations of counter attacks.In addition, students will also learn to maintain their awareness of their surroundings and environment to identify potential threats.Basic Krav Maga training includes a warm up session and a session to identify critical pressure points on a human body. Identifying these points is crucial because they are going to be the target for attack if you want to neutralize your opponent quickly.

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