Time Management Tools: 5 Tips To Manage Your Study Time Better

By Lachlan Haynes

If you're reading this it's quite likely that time management is not your strong suit. You probably feel over-worked, over-tired and over it all!

But giving up is not the solution. Instead, let's look at some easy to implement strategies and time management tools that will help you make the most of the time you already have available and also create some more free time for you.

Tip number one - create and use to-do lists. It might sound obvious, but the first step in getting things done is actually creating a list of the things you want done! How often do you try to avoid writing lists and instead just try to remember the stuff you have to get done off the top of your head? Some people are perennial list makers. But some people never make them at all. If you want to use your time wisely you need to use lists. So use numbers or letters to distinguish between your top priorities and your low priorities (for example number from 1-10 or letter from A-J) and make sure you are very specific in each to-do item (vague to-do items only lead to more procrastination and more time management challenges!)

Tip number two - create some goals. It's very easy to overlook creating goals and instead just get started on things. But working towards something specific helps create a direction for you. For example, if you make a goal that you will have your "Science homework completed no later than 8 pm tonight" then you have something specific you are working towards. If you have no goal in mind then you might end up drifting along until 9 pm without even completing the Science homework at all. So start listing all the things you want to achieve and when you want to achieve them by. This will help you easily see which activities are a total waste of your time and which are going to help you reach your ambitions.

Tip number three - lower your expectations. We all want to shoot for the stars - but don't put unreasonable pressure on yourself for no good reason. If you're taking too much on and it's taking too long because your expectations are way too high (for example, if you believe that nothing less than an A+ average for all your subjects is the only acceptable standard) then as soon as you slip under that extremely high standard a major meltdown will occur. So be committed to your ambition but not attached to every single outcome. If you are, you will spend way too much time focusing on things that don't always matter.

Tip number four - eliminate all distractions! If you wanted to, you could be in a constant state of distraction. The world is full of things and people trying to interrupt you. The real challenge is blocking all that out and focusing on what matters. Distractions can truly account for hours of your time each and every day. That's hundreds if not thousands of hours every year. Instead, you need to focus purely on what you want and then make a beeline for it. Turn off all distractions and get to work. Once it's done you can switch all your distractions back on and prepare to waste some serious time! Woo!

Tip number five - overcome any tendency to procrastinate. We all do it. Something is due but we can't be bothered so we do nothing. Life's hard. We get it. Everything is hard. We get that too. But if you don't do the work it will catch up with you. So just do it! Get off your butt and get to work. But don't worry about completing the whole thing. If you have to write a paper just write one paragraph - or even one sentence. If you have to complete a worksheet of Maths homework just do the first question. Instead of getting overwhelmed and anxious about having to complete the whole task just make sure that you first get started. It's easier to keep going once you actually start.

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