How To Get Your Ex Back Starting Today

By Monica Nice

Are you wondering how to get my ex back but all you can feel is pain and heart break? Thankfully almost all relationships can be saved once you change your approach.Regardless of the reason for your break up, most break ups can be reversed if you can contain the pain you are feeling right now. Almost everyone makes the same mistakes when trying to win their ex back, the result? An ex who no longer wants anything to do with you, ignores your calls and is pushed out of your life forever.
[How To Get Your Ex Back]

The first step in learning how to get back together with your ex is to determine why exactly the breakup occurred. Even though you can't go back into the past to change the reason the breakup occurred, you can learn from the mistake and try to grow from it.The breakup may have occurred because of one specific event, or even from a behavior that your ex didn't want to deal with anymore. No matter what the reason for the breakup was, you need to find out the specifics so you can learn how to deal with the situation later on. When you follow the plan outlined at the sites below, you will get your ex back. But this time you want to keep the relationship together, right? So that's step one.

Avoid contact with your ex. If they are calling you or you are calling, messaging and emailing them repeatedly you must stop immediately. I know you want to keep your ex in your life and avoid them slipping away forever but this can push him or her away super fast. No one like a desperate and needy ex, your ex is no different.Let emotions settle, this is a crucial component especially if your break up was heated. In this time away from your ex learn why your ex ended the relationship. More often then not the true reasons why a relationship failed can be subtle so be completely honest with yourself.

You must swallow your pride and let go. Avoid thinking about your ex with others. Right now you have nothing to lose but your last chance to get your ex back. Don't ruin that chance to win your ex back.1. Break contact. I'm serious. Reduce or, if possible, break any contact with your ex for about 3 to 4 weeks. This should be easy, right?...Not really. This is going to be the most painful tip because you will, most likely, miss them a lot and never stop wondering about what they are doing. Stop calling them, stop sending them emails, text messages or anything of that nature. One of the biggest mistakes people make after a breakup is what I call text message terrorism. I'm sure you know what this is, but, also, I bet you don't realize that, after a breakup, any text message, email or phone call can be too much for your ex. They already had too much telling you they don't want you anymore. At this point it's best to agree with the breakup and be totally cool about it.

Stop being needy. Always remember this: a hungry dog doesn't get fed! Nobody wants to be around a needy person. It's hard-wired into our brains to align with people who have higher survival value and stay away from needy people. While it is possible to make your ex take you back out of pity, it's not what we are trying to accomplish here. You want your ex to be attracted to you again, not to feel sorry for you.

egardless of whether you broke up with your partner or it was the other way around, a breakup will always be difficult to go through. There is no easy way around it. The truth is, it can take immense effort to get past a breakup. Nobody likes it, but it's a situation that many couples experience - sometimes, even more than once.

Start working out. When you work out, endorphins are released inside your body, so, you will feel a lot better. It will make you look better too, so you'll get a boost in your confidence. Remember: confidence is one of the most attractive traits you can have (every dating advice I've read - good or bad - included this clich - the power of confidence). But, confidence comes with success while you've just been dumped. It's not going to be easy, but, don't worry too much. I'm going to give you all the tools you need to get success, so confidence will happen automatically.

Contact your ex. If your ex doesn't contact you after 4 weeks, you can contact them and have a light conversation. There are a few steps you need to do before actually contacting your ex. You'll easily find them in the materials I will give you (check the resources at the bottom of this article). Avoid talking about your past relationship. Don't ask your ex if they are dating someone new and don't brag about how many people you are sleeping with or dating (that's lame... only losers brag). Just keep it light while avoiding any arguments. Also, be cool and don't let them think you're desperate to see them.

Of course you should be sad! You are not a robot; it's okay to be depressed because of a breakup. We are talking about real emotions here, real memories wasted because of disagreements and irreconcilable differences. You should grieve about the breakup before you can finally truly get over it.What is unacceptable, however, is making it obvious to your ex how sad you are. If you're on the process of figuring out how to get your ex back, then you shouldn't be showing weakness and desperation in front of your ex. You can grieve, but grieve silently. Be depressed discreetly. Open up to a few trusted friends about the situation, but not to everyone.Did you know that almost all breakups involve a third party of some sort? It can be a very real possibility that your ex broke up with you because she already found someone else; she just didn't want the hassle of being called a "whore" or a "slut" by being together with two men at the same time, so she broke up with you. Not acting immediately to retrieve your lost relationship will only reduce your chances to zero. So, really, don't believe this hoopla about "being patient" or "giving it time". You have to act as soon as you've broken up.

Now, let me explain what I mean by "emotionally charged". If you're planning to do the old "dinner and movie" I have bad news for you... Why? Because,doing so, you lose on the following sociologically proven principle.This first scenario will not only be boring, but, also, it won't create a bonding, or, in our case, a re-bonding experience. A better scenario could be a short roller coaster ride. Also, taking your ex on a few "mini-dates" could do wonders for your relationship. This creates "time distortion", so, your ex will feel that they've been with you forever after only a short period of time.This way, you will eventually get to spend more time together and you will have a chance to get them back, if you're prepared and you know what to do.

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