How To Keep Him Interested In You

By Cecelia Bridgeman

It's a well known fact that guys can lose interest in a relationship very quickly. One day everything's fine, and you're being treated like a princess, the next day you're dumped and you didn't even see it coming. Follow these tips on how to keep him interested, and hopefully you'll stop your boyfriend's mind and heart from wandering.On the whole men avoid confrontation like the plague, and the words "we need to talk" make them run for the hills. If you want to know how to keep him interested, avoiding rows is a good way to start. Often men don't realise when they've upset you, and starting an argument about it will just push them away. If they've done something you're not happy with, have a calm conversation about it instead of a row, and make sure you have a kiss and cuddle after to show that everything's ok.
[How To Keep Him Interested]

Although men tend to marry women who have the qualities mentioned above, they prefer to do the pursuing at the beginning of the relationship. They thrive on "the thrill of the chase," and lose interest if a woman is too available. To give him the illusion of being the one in pursuit, a woman would be wise to play a bit hard to get at first. Here's how:Don't always pick up the phone on the first ring. Let him wonder where you are and what you are doing.Don't be instantly available when he asks you out. Tell him you'll have to check your calendar. And don't accept the date if you have a conflict.If he texts you or calls, let him wait for an hour or so before you respond. Let him know you are a busy, active woman who has better things to do than sit around waiting for him to call.Do wait for him to ask you out. If you do the asking, you will take the excitement out of the chase.Be a little mysterious and a lot of fun.

In addition to wanting to be the pursuer, men look for a little mystery and intrigue in a woman that interests them. Don't be too forthcoming with all the details of your life. Let him find out gradually what kind of person you are.Dress and act a little sexy and provocative. Tease him a little and show him what a fun person you can be and he'll soon be coming back for more.Be sure to continue to pursue your own interests and keep up with your friends. Let him know you have a full, rich life of your own and are a confident, self-sufficient woman. Decoding male psychology and acting accordingly with go a long way toward building a lasting relationship with a man.

One of the main complaints men have about their girlfriends is that they are too clingy. Even though you're in a committed relationship, you should still make the effort to keep up with your own friends and pursue your own interests. This will give you something to talk to your boyfriend about and keep him interested in you and what you are doing. It will also give him some time to hang out with the guys.This might contradict the last point a little, but men love to feel that you need them, and they want to take care of you a little. Having a woman to take care of boosts a guy's ego and makes him feel manlier. You might be a strong, independent woman to the outside world, but show your boyfriend a little vulnerability and he'll be yours for keeps.

Have you ever been accused of being to clingy or smothering? After the discovery phase of a relationship, men generally don't talk too much. It's not that they've lost interest in you it's just that they feel more comfortable being with you or away from you. They go back to watching the game with the guys or attending the weekly poker night again. And please, no inquisitions afterwards. Men feel that they don't have to explain or elaborate on every single thing that they did while you were apart. Not that they don't want to share. They just don't feel l it's important. Trust me, if it were important, they'd share it with you.

This means that you will have to think like the guy. Don't try to reason things out like a woman because you will end up sobbing your heart out instead of looking at the facts in a logical manner. Look at your relationship through a microscope and find out if there are things that could make him slip away. Deal with those areas positively.A guy can only take that much! You may look like a sex bomb or a fashion model - but that does not guarantee your man's love and interest for a lifetime if you have a bad attitude. No one can stand a woman with a bad attitude so clean up your act!

Have you started taking your guy for granted? How long has it been since you took the pains to impress him? Read up on the latest sports events and find out facts about his favorite player. If you can tell him a thing or two he will be super impressed. Besides you will bring him closer to you. It's okay if you want to behave like a tramp for your man in your bedroom! He would be pleasantly surprised if you take the trouble to spice up your sex life! If he is sexually satisfied with you - he will not lose interest in you.

Guys have a different way of expressing themselves. Never lash out at your man when you are upset, because it will make him lose interest in you. In fact talk to him calmly and explain your feelings without being too emotional. Guys hate any kind of confrontation.One of the best ways to keep him interested is to reward him from time to time. Let him know how much you appreciate a certain gesture or action on his part by giving him something even better. Give him little gifts that tell him how much you love him and his interest in you will grow.If you are too available he is bound to take your love and acceptance for granted. Don't let his actions rule your world. In fact it should be the other way round. Show him that you are not going to sit around the phone waiting for his call till forever! Let him know that you are not about to cancel another appointment to be with him. You will keep his interest in this way.

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