Motivation & Inspiration: When Combined Anything Is Possible

By Lachlan Haynes

You're likely already aware that action is the key to achieving your goals. However, there is a more rarely considered - and much more important aspect of action, and that is training yourself to sustain this action-oriented mindset in order to direct your energy to sustain long-term action.

Consistency and persistence are qualities most people are not born with. You have to develop these traits, especially if you want to master a skill that gives you a sustained advantage. We are all emotional creatures and that unfortunately means we experience just as many downs as we do ups. In fact we might experience more downs than ups, depending on our circumstances and genetic makeup. But it's truly our mindset that sets us apart from one another.

Each of us is familiar with those random bursts of energy that can find us achieving some of our greatest moments in life. Similarly, we all have the tendency to begin a project, goal, or idea with a wealth of energy, which can dwindle halfway through and find us giving up, or simply becoming taken with a new project without completing the first. This energy comes and goes when life interferes with setbacks, depressing events, or other things that can affect our emotional state, which, in turn, impacts our professional and personal results.

If we're feeling fit and healthy, we're not overly stressed out, we have a good social and family life, and we've gotten enough sleep, our physiological state will generally be pretty good! And when you can see the fruits of your labor, like getting grades in school, then you'll be even more primed to keep up the good work.

If however the opposite occurs and you're feeling stressed, hungry, tired, unhealthy and socially outcast then you're likely to feel pretty low. Worse still, if you start getting poor grades or negative feedback, it's likely that your emotional state will depress and you'll feel like giving up. That's only natural isn't it? It's pretty hard to feel good about these things!

This is the point where you must focus on turning short term action into sustainable long term action. In order to achieve big, you need to think big. This applies in not just your schooling but your future career and the rest of your life. You must envision your future. Where do you want to be and how will you get there? When you know where you want to go, you can start to plan the way to get there. This is an important step that should never be ignored. You must map out the success in your life. Once you have that road map in your hands, you may be wondering, but how do I get there? The answer of course is one step at a time. It may seem minuscule or daunting but it works! Those continued short term actions, or steps, will move you closer and closer to your dreams. Celebrate each step you take in the right direction and before you know it, all of those little steps have turned into big leaps - and you have achieved your goal with long term sustained action.

This is where inspiration comes in. Inspiration is more spiritual than motivation because it comes from a more powerful source. Something more sustained and divine, something that comes from a place greater than the person. It's really a desire for change - big or small. Motivation, while still powerful, is often tied to a certain event, or time frame or set of circumstances. It's more physical, rooted in the present moment.

Motivation is a battle; inspiration is the war. It is the difference between taking a quick job at a fast food joint to get a pay check, and taking an internship that will earn us favor in a career that we want to enter into in order to change the world. Both of these goals require ambition to a certain degree, yet it is clear which of the two goals would both require more prolonged action, and end in a bigger, more satisfying payoff. Inspiration will carry you through the tough times - it would carry the student through the internship during moments when the lack of a bigger pay check could really invite some tough times.

It's time for you see things for yourself you may never have considered before. Things like getting into College, never needing a job, even becoming a millionaire, or the possibility of creating something that has a massive positive impact on thousands - even millions of people. These things are all possible for you. But they require a motivation and an inspiration to be achieved. They require sustained action at a pace of one step per day. We all have unlimited potential regardless of our circumstances. What you believe is possible for you is all that truly matters. So, the only question that remains is what do you believe is possible?

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