How To Impress A Girl With Covert Social Proof

By Domenique Huizing

When guys survey the landscape of potential mates, we look mostly at physical appearance. Sure, if you've got girls lined up so far in your black book you can't see a free afternoon for months, you might start qualifying based on personality.But for the rest of us mortals, a fine looking girls is good enough, so long as she's not a psychotic ax murderer. And for a lot of us, that still may be good enough, so long as she doesn't try and murder us while we're sleeping.
[How To Impress A Girl]

One way we're lazy is that we don't like to think. We really don't. That's why our brains have evolved all kind of short cuts. Social proof is one of those short cuts.If you see a crowd of people at some kind of restaurant, you can safely assume that you won't die from food poisoning, or get a bad deal, or have a bad time. Most of our decisions are made like this, whether we like it or not.

Dale Carnegie taught years ago that the simplest way to impress somebody is be impressed by them. He taught that the easiest way to become interesting is to first become interested. How do you do that? This is something that can't be faked. However, people are generally interesting. Learn how to ask open ended questions. These are questions that have to be answered with more than one word."Do you like sushi?" is not an opened ended question, as it can be answered with a simple yes or not.But a question like, "So, what kind of food do you usually like when you're hanging out with your friends?" is a much better question. It requires some thought, and a long answer.

There's two reasons you want long answers. One is that she won't feel defensive, as if you're interrogating her.Two is that her answers will give you more opportunities to ask even more questions, and find out things about her that are generally interesting to you.And when you're talking about things that she likes, and she senses some genuine interest from, she'll naturally start feeling some natural attraction.

As an added bonus, you'll quickly find out plenty of stuff to share with her, about you, that gives you both that incredible, "me, too!" feeling of connection.Finding out how to impress a girl is a lifelong process for a lot of guys. Most guys spend their time trying to "show off," in order to win her approval. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't.

"Last week I had the most amazing time. We went to this amusement park. We were on this roller coaster, which was super high, and she said she felt like she was going to pass out!" Now, when you say this, put the emphasis on the amusement park, the roller coaster, and don't place too much emphasis on the "she." In fact, do the opposite. Act as if you are trying to hide it.She'll just assume you were with a girlfriend, or at least an attractive friend. Then later on, when you're telling more stories, even if you don't mention other people, she'll imagine all these girls that are with you.on't be a nice guy. This is obvious. Girls hate nice guys. You know this. Yet, some guys can't help but be nice. But what is the root of this behavior? Is this the best way if you want to know how to impress a girl?

So what if you can't afford a plane, or you can't afford flying lessons? You can still get the benefits by alluding to your "intentions" to become a pilot.For example, let's say she asks you what your hobbies are, and you say something like this:"Well, I like running and cycling, but next spring I've signed up for these flying lessons. After a hundred hours of flight time I'll get my license, then I've got to figure out what kind of plane to get."

Now, that sounds pretty good, right? Even if you don't have a nickel to your name, you can still make plans as if you did. And it sounds like you're well on your way to becoming ultra alpha man.However, this still avoids the question, and the main source of her attraction.Sure, girls dig guys that are high valued, have adventurous hobbies, and can face down certain death with ease. However, these are all just proxies for the kind of confidence she REALLY wants.Confidence in talking to her, about the real you.

How to impress a girl instantly? Almost nothing touches her heart more than a genuine and sincere expression of love. In case you are trying to lie and use a mask then be sure that it will be exposed in the near future. For that reason, don't you think it's best to be as you are, caring and loving? Make it clear and show your feelings about her. Really don't say all of these mainly for saying sake. This should help you impress her right away.You will find something unique and special about every person. Now find your own and then make it work for you to impress her. Do a couple things that will leave her impressed, make an effort to get her see the talents in you and show those strong points in her presence as much as you can.

When a girl asks a guy like this, what his hobbies are, he looks in her eyes with extreme confidence, and tells it like it is. Without reservation, without remorse.Video games? Knitting? Playing handball? Building models of WWII fighter planes? Doesn't matter.You appreciate yourself, you appreciate your hobbies, and you tell her about you as if you're letting her in on the greatest thing ever created.And she'll melt right into your arms.

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