Building Self Esteem: 5 Essential Ways To Direct Your Thoughts Toward Success

By Gatha Cardoso Carvalho

Self esteem and confidence are two traits that every athlete must possess in order to remain competitive and consistent on the field. Low self esteem and low self-confidence can make an athlete nervous, anxious, and/or depressed about his game. Encouragement, praising performance, and rewarding athletic achievements can boost an athlete's self esteem and confidence, not only on the field, but also in life.To encourage a young athlete, parents and coaches should use both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Encouragement can come in the form of a spirited locker-room pep talk or a simple handshake and smile. Stern facial expressions and harsh language from the sidelines can make an athlete nervous and fearful of making a mistake. When an athlete is forced to focus entirely on his own performance, he or she can fail to pay attention to the game and the other athletes around them. When this occurs, an athlete may find that the more they're discouraged, the more they hesitate, leading to even more discouragement, and more hesitation.
[Building Self Esteem]

Building Self Esteem.The Elderly are very vulnerable when they are at the mercy of a Nursing Home. If the Elderly are used to living at the Home and have a strong personality then they will feel reassured about speaking out and having self-esteem. But if they are new to the Nursing Home, or have a change in their care plan needs because of their own health then it is most likely that their Self Esteem will need to be reassessed.

To take away their independence and to take over their care takes time for the aged to adjust to their new way of life. It is a lot sometimes for the aged person to get used to. Most times the Elderly person was very independent at home and moving around freely but then end up needing care because their health changes, their eyesight changes or they have a fall and break bones. Once they feel like they are no longer able to take care of their daily living then their self-esteem is soon affected. It will become obvious that they have low self-esteem, and it will become very important for the aged well-being to have their Self Esteem Built back up.

Dr. Rosenfeld has been practicing as a pediatrician in private practice for over 17 years. She is Board Certified and a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. In 1994, Dr. Rosenfeld joined Children's Medical Group and has remained there as a long-term primary caregiver to her young patients in North San Diego County. Dr. Rosenfeld practices direct patient care in the office and hospital setting, as well as a number of other clinical functions. In addition to her clinical roles, Dr. Rosenfeld has worked extensively with pediatric policy.Self-responsibility both reflects and generates self-esteem. People with high self-esteem feel that they are in charge of their lives. They have a sense of agency and self-efficacy. They take responsibility for their feelings, actions, and lives. It also means that you take responsibility for the consequences of your choices and behaviors, both positive and negative outcomes, rather than blame yourself or others. It requires a desire to review and learn from your mistakes in order to seek solutions and improvement.

Unlike girls, in adolescence boys are naturally competitive and aggressive, encouraging their autonomy and sense of agency. Girls' self-esteem begins to suffer from the age of nine, and by adolescence, they fall behind. Feelings of powerlessness and the need for external validation, especially regarding appearance, increase, while self-esteem declines. Whereas, boys generally tend to challenge authority more than girls, if girls are discouraged from taking risks or pursuing goals, they may develop an attitude of "I can't," instead of "I can." Overtime, such young women may develop a passive attitude toward life. This lack of agency and self-esteem can eventually lead to depression.

So what can you do together? Well that of course depends on the age of the child. It could be sand castle building or vegetable plot creation. Make a list of different things you could do together. See what will attract your children. I find it great fun, to surf the internet together, to seek out activities on your list and see how the children respond. The children love this responsibility and it is a good start in building self esteem in children. If they do not get excited, then never mind, move onto the next activity on your list. I've been surprised at what ages the children pick up different activities and let go of others. Our two boys were still playing with their Brio wooden train set long after we had built a WWII battlefield complete with Hornby trains and airfix models.

Self-responsibility neither implies moral blame nor guilt, but should foster a curious inquiry into how and why your life is the way it is. Look for solutions. Ask what assumptions, beliefs, or attitudes motivated your choices and behavior, and what actions can be taken in the future.Avoiding self-responsibility puts you in the role of a helpless victim, waiting for others to change, so that you'll feel better. That never works in the long run, because we can't change others, and even their accommodation to our needs only provides a temporary lift. The other extreme - feeling you're responsible for everything that befalls you can also injure your self-esteem. Blaming yourself for every accident, illness, and mishap presumes an unrealistic level of control. Nor are you responsible for someone else's abusive behavior, but you are responsible for your response to it. Instead of asking why did he or she did that, ask "What beliefs do I have that allow me to permit it?" "What boundaries do I set?" "How can I better protect myself?" "What may happen if I don't change my response?"

Ask yourself what would be different if you took responsibility for your happiness, your financial security, for your safety, and your physical health? What are the benefits of not taking responsibility for your health, finances, goals, emotions, and relationships? Probably you feel better about yourself in areas where you are more self-responsible. You feel effective, raising your self-esteem. It will be lower in the areas where you are less self-responsible.Mary,complained about the string of men in her life who took advantage of her sexually and financially. Rather than change her behavior and choices, she turned to family and friends who were equally selfish, perpetuating the pattern. When she finally realized that no one was going to rescue her, she began to change for the better. She took responsibility for herself, and found her strength. Having been severely abused as a child, she had been convinced that no one could love her. Grieving her past and experiencing her anger at her perpetrators helped her to leave the stop re-creating her family dynamics.

I've observed many times someone saying to themselves that they are going to start exercising and eating right, only to continue right on eating the same way and not attempt any physical movement. They are then discouraged and complain that they can't lose weight. You have seen this too. I have worked with students who say they are going to make better grades, study and do their homework. They do not follow through, do not improve their grades and then say they just can't do well in school. You have to put action behind your words or they don't mean anything.

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