Coping With Stress

By Kenneth L. Johnson

Stress affects us all at some points in our lives. It can come from many different areas, finance, relationships, work, studying and a variety of other forms. At certain times, pressure can build up and stress can be difficult to deal with.For young academics, the effects of stress can be felt from a tender age. Pressure to do well in exams, GCSE's and A Levels to gain a place at a good university can have a serious impact on the health of students. The fear of being a failure can override rational thoughts and lead to unhealthy behavior and bad coping mechanisms.Whilst studying in school and sixth form the main causes of stress are coping with work load, worry about university entry and anxieties branching from relationships with friends, family and girlfriends or boyfriends.
[How To Coping With Stress]

A person suffering from stress can start using the more emotional parts of the brain, shutting down the more logical side of the brain. This has the effect of lowering your intelligence whilst in this state, and effecting our judgment. It can affect performance at work, and our personal relationships.We all have an Ultradian Rhythm, which is a 90-120 minute cycle of stress and relaxation. The relaxation dips are usually around 90 minutes apart. This is when your mind and body is telling you to slow down and relax. Typically you may find yourself daydreaming, which is a natural form of meditation and self hypnosis. Some people instead choose to carry out addictive behavior instead, such as drinking, drugs, and smoking.

For students living in expensive cities like London, who don't receive financial help from their families, part-time work is the only option to keep their heads above water. The problems that arise from this burden can have a domino effect. Having to juggle the responsibility of a job, stay committed to a degree, have a healthy social life and find time to rest can add to the original source of stress.Everyone has different levels of stress tolerability. It is linked to your personality, diet, emotional maturity and up-bringing. We have different methods of dealing with stress too. Some one who is more prone to stress and anxiety may have more trouble dealing with it. It is common to try to avoid the source of the problem and use something else to mask it.

In addition to financial stress we have work place stress. Workplace stress maybe brought on by many factors. You may be worried about getting you next promotion, or you may be worried about losing your job since the economy is so bad. Other factors could be the experience of negative behavior from you coworkers or boss. You might not be reaching your career goals or there are major changes happening at your work place and you worry about how it will affect you. Many factors in a work place can bring on stress and overwhelm us, especially if we don't know how to cope with stress.

People often become stressed due to excessive demands of life. Learning time management skills, as well as learning how to say 'no', can really benefit these people.Take a long look at yourself and ask if you are excessively stressed. If you are then take action now. Whilst you are living in this state you are wasting your time here on earth. We are meant to be happy and healthy. You cannot get this time back, so you must act now. Look at areas in life where you can make small, but important changes. It might be reducing overtime at work, taking adequate breaks throughout the day, avoiding certain people or situations, or even getting a new hobby. See the importance in your own stress management, and take action. Your long term happiness and health depend on it.

The workplace is arguably the primary source of stress for most working people. From beating deadlines to dealing with co-workers, stress is part of the normal daily routines on the job. The intensity of stress varies depending on the type of work. Some jobs are innately more stressful than others, especially those that involve danger to life such as combat-related duties.

The third letter is "L". "L" stands for Let-it-go. So many times things can be let go. Think about it? Will it matter in ten years, or even five years? If the thing that is stressing you out won't matter in the long-term, then just let-it-go because it is not worth stressing over. Life is too short to be anything but happy. If it does matter, take a minute and then address the situation piece by piece so you can make a good decision.

Many of the debilitating and chronic diseases that plague humans today can be directly attributed to recurring stress reactions. Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and cancer are just some of the serious illnesses that could be prevented with the help of stress management.

Now, the fifth letter is "X". "X" will stand for Xtra sleep. Everyone needs proper sleep for energy. Are you not getting enough sleep? Are you staying out all night? Or are you staying up late? Then you need extra sleep. The best way to get the sleep you need is to have a schedule and stick with it. Go to bed at a decent time. When you develop a routine you will notice you have plenty of time during the day to do things. In the end you will be less frustrated when you get the sleep you needed.On the other hand, not all stress is bad. What I have been referring to is bad stress or what is called distress. But, there is such a thing as good stress. Good stress is stress that comes from excitement or adrenalin and can be very beneficial.

In conclusion, what I informed you of today is a few main stressors in our lives such as financial problems, work place stress, and personal relationships, and how coping with stress can be done using the acronym R-E-L-A-X, Recognize, Exercise, Let-it-go, Attitude, and Xtra sleep. So now, if you have happen to run into a stressful situation you will know what steps to take to reduce that stressful event, or if you can't remember the five steps you will at least remember the acronym RELAX and just simply relax. That alone can help take the stress way. This is just one way that coping with stress can be done. There are many other ways to cope with stress that you will be introduced to throughout this website such as: using stress relief games, dealing with anxiety, using stress toys, taking herbal remedies for anxiety, and more.

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