How To Build Self-Confidence In Public Speaking

By Marianne R. Brown

This question was asked of me recently when I was recounting my journey from a shy, quiet, and socially awkward boy to an outgoing, fun-loving, and confident man. It occurred to me that while I had figured out how to nurture my own self-confidence, others are struggling with theirs every day. I don't like this at all.Everyone deserves to be self-confident and happy with themselves. You live with your perception of yourself 24/7 and it pervades every aspect of your life. If you are unhappy with yourself then it will manifest across your life - jobs that you hate, relationships that are no good for you, and friends that aren't very good friends.
[How To Build Self Confidence]

The perception you choose for yourself, good or bad, is how you showcase yourself to the world. If you choose to showcase yourself as a loser then that is how the world will see you. How can you expect the world to treat you better than how you treat yourself?With that in mind I decided to share my tricks for building self-confidence and becoming the person that you've always wanted to be. The first technique I recommend for building self confidence is to use positive affirmations.Affirmations.These are the stock weapon for most players in the self-help, personal development, and motivational industries, and they are so prevalent for a reason - they work. Most people like to use affirmations as a tool to remind themselves of the good and positive things in their life. While this certainly is a big part of affirmations it fails to address the need to foster the traits that you might not currently possess but wish to in the future.

Then after you have set your mind into thinking only the positive things, think about what is important to you and what your goal is. Once you have discovered what is important to you and set a specific goal in achieving it, you will be inspired or motivated to take action and better yourself. Your speaking assignment is important; therefore your aim is to successfully finish it with a resounding applause or perhaps a standing ovation from your audience. That is more important than the obstacles hindering you from a well-delivered speech -- fear, shyness, nervousness, or low self-confidence.

Unsure where to begin? Just pretend that you are a crazy groupie (your number-one fan) who is so ridiculously in love with you that they think that everything you do is awesome. Then start writing all the good things down with that completely biased point of view. The positive should start to flow soon enough.Example affirmations from my past.But I cannot expect you to actually do this if I don't lead the way can I? So I dug through my old notebooks to find some of the early affirmations I wrote. Here are some samples,I am a sexy, smart, and funny man.I give myself permission to be the person I want to be.I am cool, calm, and confident. I am always in control.I am so talented that I can do ANYTHING I want to.I deserve great relationships and fantastic friends.My life is great!

Why should you build self-confidence from the inside? The reason is that anything you build should have a foundation, and the foundation of who you are come from the inside of you. It is in the depth inside of you that you can find the real you. When you are confident about the real you it is much easier to bring out your confidence in the outer world.

Here are 5 self-confidence tips for your inner world.Focus on what you want to do. Slow down and focus on things that are of real importance to you. We have a tendency to think we are important if we are multi-tasking today. We rush from one task to the next. It is common sense that this makes us do things half-heartedly. The more things you are up to the less time you have for each one of them. This might make you good at producing quantity, but it is at the expense of quality. This is a self-confidence killer, since you know you are not doing the tasks as good as you can do. When you have less things to do and you have the time to do them properly your self-confidence will increase.

Just imagine.The ease with which you will make the most of your natural talents with self-confidence.Everything in life becoming easier and less frightful.Furthering your career.Achieving personal and life goals.By learning how to build self confidence you will use your skills and talents to ensure that you achieve this and much more. To start off here are some simple guidelines on to build self confidence.

Get to know yourself. Taking time to relax and calm down is a great way of finding yourself. Many people have difficulties spending time with themselves. I say you should spend a lot more time alone, with only your own company. This is a great way to get to know yourself better. If you always rush and always need to be in someone elses company you miss the chance to get to know a big part of yourself. When you get to know your real self better you will find new things about yourself, things you can bring with you when you go out and meet other people. This will increase your self-confidence.

Exercise Self Control.Step two - develop the ability to control your thoughts and inner dialogue, to continue the very satisfying process of learning how to build self confidence. Developing self control is essential, and it can only be developed through deliberate mental training - similar to become more physically fit by physical training and exercise. People often fail to develop self control because they mistakenly regard it as limiting their freedom. The truth is exactly the opposite. By exercising more control over your actions and thoughts, you can draw on this to help you achieve more of what you want in your life.

Give of Yourself.Step three - find ways to use your increasing self confidence to help others. In the process of moving forward, learning how to build self confidence, getting to know yourself, and gaining more self control it is natural to start looking for ways to help others - to give back.The need to help others fulfills a spiritual need which you have in common with everyone - the desire for a sense of purpose. This will also increase how you appreciate yourself and your value.Think about this. Many people are insecure and withdraw from others, which is nothing less than self rejection. Make a contribution to those around you, think beyond yourself, your insecurities and hardships, and thereby find your purpose.If you take the time to practice these simple steps, you will grow. You should become the best you can be - the person who was always inside you, yearning to be released. Now, freed from being restricted by a lack of knowledge and having developed self confidence, the true magnificent you will emerge.Have a great self confident life, and please remember, it is most important issue that you never give up and do what it takes to learn how to build self confidence.

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