Natural Remedies For Anxiety

By Lothair Thibodeau

Many of the medications that have been used in the past have proved to have serious side effects and for that reason many anxiety sufferers have sought out natural non chemical remedies for their condition. That is not to say that some of the severe cases of anxiety and depression do not need to be treated by the medical profession but many anxiety sufferers could benefit from some natural remedies for anxiety.
[Natural Remedies For Anxiety]

Everyone suffers from feelings of anxiety at some time or another in their lives. It would be a very cold fish indeed who did not at some time have feelings of nervousness or unease. However, there are a large number of sufferers who have a permanent feeling of anxiety and or panic. The anxiety can take many forms such as a compulsive disorder, a phobia or tendency to frequent panic attacks. In this case natural remedies for anxiety could well bring about a remarkable improvement in the condition.

Another fast, easy, free, and natural remedy for anxiety is using affirmations. Affirmations are simply positive statements that you repeat in your head to yourself throughout the day. Begin your affirmations by saying, "I am." For example,I am relaxed.I am happy.I am safe.I am in control.I am at peace.Affirmations should be repeated 10 times or more consecutively each time you feel anxiety coming on. They can be even more effective when combined with some of the tricks you learn in meditation, such as deep breathing.

One of the remedies is called the Seven Source Mushroom Extract. It is a small bottle that has a dropper vile built into the lid. You simply drop 10 droplets or more into a cup of water and take daily for 90 days. Then other people are also taking this extract straight up by dropping it on the bottom of the tongues for the direct effect to the blood stream.

This treatment involves the inhaling of infused essential oils. It can be very calm and relaxing and in mild cases of anxiety can help. As with all these natural treatments they are not suitable for people suffering severe signs and symptoms who should always be encouraged to seek professional medical advice.Meditation features strongly in the Hindu and Buddhist faiths. There are many forms of meditation and the basic concept is to relax both mind and body and this can often lift the feelings of anxiety or depression. There are plenty of books, CDs and DVDs on the market which will help you grasp the essential of meditation and how to use it.Acupuncture.This treatment which involves sticking in a series of pins into the body originated long ago in China. In recent times its popularity in the West has grown and there is a large number of people who will vouch for its effectiveness as a natural remedy for anxiety.

There is a tendency for many people simply to rush to the doctors or Pharmacist at the first sign of any illness. IN the case of mild anxiety or panic attacks the natural remedies for anxiety are often a better option.Many people suffer from stress and anxiety symptoms, for most people they are not long term or serious but they do need to be treated. To learn more about Conquer Anxiety and Panic Attacks

As you'll come to realize, this world is expanding in the commerce world with more herbal and natural remedies for everyday ailments.Anxiety has been plaguing the social life of some people in the United States. This can be caused by a lot of things. It can be from the environment, lack of nutrition or can also be caused by problems in the mind. Some of the lesser anxiety attacks can be cured or treated by fish oil. In fact fish oil is a well known cure for general anxiety disorders. Fish oil not only helps the brain, it helps our skin also. This is just to show you how powerful natural remedies are when battling different types of ailments of the mind. But how about powerful anxiety attacks and disorders that cannot be cured by fish oil?

Natural Remedy One - Herbs.Anxiety has been treated for thousands of years using natural herbal remedies. And even though these preparations often take a few weeks or months to start working effectively, they have been shown to be not only highly effective but a much more gentle approach to curing anxiety that using harsh chemical treatments such as prescription medication.

One of the best natural remedies that treat anxiety that I used and continue to use is SocialFear Relief. This natural herbal remedy provides a lot of benefits such relief from anxiety attacks related to social fear. It also calms the nerves, and provide lasting relief. A lot of people who bought this also uses this for public speaking and stage fright. This is a great natural herbal remedy for such tasks. Mental fear is easy to conquer with this natural herbal remedy. We need to keep in mind that this product is one of the best in treating anxiety but we also should keep in mind that proper nutrition and well being can keep anxiety away for a long time.

A natural ingredient for anxiety is Gelsemium. Gelsemium is great for people that do not like to speak in public but are forced to because they are either ordered or have to because of work or studies. This is also a great ingredient to calm the nerves in exams and tests. With this natural homeopathic ingredient, people are able to conquer stage fright, and public speaking easily. Gelsemium is a well known natural homeopathic ingredient that is used by many people and herbalists to treat anxiety disorders and attacks due to social fear.

If you lead a fairly inactive lifestyle and you are plagued with anxiety and panic, when you start exercising and getting into physical therapies, you may be surprised at how quickly your anxiety problems disappear.There is no need to experience harmful and debilitating side effects of prescription medication, especially now that you know about three powerful and highly effective natural remedies for anxiety. Choose one of these remedies or even combine them for fast results. Remember, these solutions are not miracles but they do work. Just give them time and sooner rather than later, you will be living a healthy, happy, calm and anxiety free life!

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