Universal Laws - The Key Law Of Success

By Heather L. Hensley

GOD wanted every individual to succeed. Its the Lord's intent that person should become fantastic. It is God's will that man should not only advantage, but enjoy with every pleasant thing in the universe. The law of success and the universal laws of God present human being the whole thing.
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The Law of The Farm The Law of the Farm is based on observation of the world around us, namely the ability of a farmer to raise crops. The Law of the Farm says that success comes from the same process that a harvest comes to a farmer. First, as a farmer plows the ground, the person must be readied for success. The weeds of negative thinking must be cleared away, and the person must be fertilized with thoughts of abundance and possibility. Second, the seeds of success must be sown; these are the actions the person does to generate success. Those actions must be tended, supported by positive thinking, just as the farmer tends his crops. Then, when opportunities arise, they must be harvested, just as the farmer must harvest his crop. The harvest must be done at the right time, in the right way. Just as the farmer can lose his crop if he lets it sit in the field, so the person can lose success if he does not take advantage of the opportunities when they arise in the fullness of time.

Preparing the Field For the farmer to reap a harvest, he cannot simply scatter seeds in a field. The field must be plowed, fertilized, and otherwise prepared before the seed is planted. For some crops, these may take years of preparation; as Stephen Covey points out in his book, "The Eight Habit", a potato farmer must prepare his field for two years prior to planting. People must be prepared for success the same way. They need to have the weeds of negative thinking cleared away. They must be prepared for the planting by learning the attitude of expectation of success. A person must be fertilized with thoughts of abundance so that the seed has food to grow.

Better faculties, improved abilities, expanded insight, and greater power are dormant in all, and by special mental methods, these exceptional elements can be developed to an extraordinary scale for tangible and practical use. Any thinker can acquire greatness. Its basically a issue of KNOWING HOW. Accurate self-discovery, and the correct teaching in using one's faculties and making use one's abilities will expand anyone. Practice will cover efficiency; use will create forth results. Achievement, as a result, is within the reach of any eager individual.

I was unforgiving to myself in not reaching it earlier. You have a better chance of reaching your goals and dreams when your mind is right. When you are writing your goals and you feel good about them, then you are more likely to achieve them. If you don't have a good feeling as you write them, then you should review them and change them. The more your mind accepts your goals and dreams the better chance that you to achieve them.

Whatever your existing circumstances or condition may be, there's a better and a bigger expectation in store for you, but you are required to prepare yourself for it. You cannot climb into the better and greater things unless you DO SOMETHING on it. Study, plan, and work are all required. The young and the older alike are entitled to enhance.The young and the elderly alike are allowed to advance. To be honest to yourself and to the universal laws which guides you, law of success is purely moving, for advancement. It is the Universal Law's goal that you shall move ahead. You can still keep, and you can reverse, in this manner hindering your natural process for a while, conceivably as long as a life time (usually it doesn't require that much), on the contrary in the end you will be compelled to move forward, especially in the path of soul's increase.

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