Vitamins For Anxiety - Nutrients That Help You To Relax

By Larry D. Holder

With more and more people suffering from anxiety disorders, it is not surprising that more and more are starting to look for natural remedies for anxiety.It should come as no surprise when the association between anxiety and food being widely accepted, and vitamins are now being considered as an aid to anxiety sufferers.It is now widely accepted that the healthier your lifestyle the easier you will find it to cope with or even overcome anxiety. With so many people leading busy, hectic lives in which our diet is often the first thing to suffer, it makes sense that some vitamin supplements or a change in diet to help our day to day intake of vitamins is bound to help with anxiety. So which vitamins for anxiety are best?
[Vitamins For Anxiety]

Vitamin B3 is effective in elevating high stress and anxiety levels. As vitamin B3 gives a soothing effect, it is prescribed to people who are more prone to panic attacks during anxiety. Vitamin B3 is one of the best vitamins to cure anxiety.Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine. It helps the brain to produce certain neurotransmitters that regulate anxiety. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 like sweet potatoes and bananas help to enhance the immune system greatly.

As well as being in oily fish Omega 3 is also in things such as flax oil and flax seed. Omega 3 supplements are also available.B Vitamins are a group of vitamins that are associated with general good health. A deficiency can lead to, amongst other things, insomnia and mood changes, not really the type of symptoms that you want to have alongside an anxiety disorder. Vitamin B is also thought to have a beneficial effect on people suffering from depression.

B vitamins - Biotin, niacin (100mg per day), thiamine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, B6 (100mg per day), B12, folic acid are all important for the production of the key chemical messengers in the brain called neurotransmitters. Thiamine is very important for those prone to panic, anxiety and depression. Every time you become angry, cry or feel run down - you are burning thiamine. A daily B-Complex (50 to 100mg per day) supplement is a great way of getting the B vitamins your body needs.Tryptophan is a calming agent, which also helps bolster the nervous system.Calcium (600mg + Vit. D per day) is a muscle relaxant. It helps calm you down during an anxious period. Vitamin D allows your body to absorb Calcium properly.Alpha-linolenic acid There have been quite a few studies that have focused on alpha-linolenic acid and anxiety disorder. A good percentage of individuals suffering from panic attacks for a decade have reported back a significant improvement within 2-3 months of consuming additional amounts of alpha-linolenic acid.

These are found naturally in beans,green peas, poultry, fish and grain cereals. Vitamin B capsules which contains the entire vitamin B group can also be taken. Vitamin C which is found in most fresh fruit and vegetables boosts the immune system helping to keep us healthy and free from minor infections, colds and coughs. This can only possibly help our general state of mind.

Vitamins for anxiety function by regulating your metabolism and hormonal balance, which is a subtle but powerful way of controlling anxiety and its symptoms. They occur naturally in the foods you eat, and you can supplement your body's intake of these vitamins even more to get the maximum effect.Let's take a look at these vitamins for anxiety,The B Vitamins for Anxiety The B vitamins are crucial in getting the central nervous system to function like it should -- a lack of these vitamins usually results in increased levels of anxiety, depression and stress.B vitamins work best when taken together as a B-complex. They regulate your neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, hence controlling your moods and responses when you encounter situations that could trigger stress and anxiety.

Vitamin B--1 (Thiamine) improves your energy levels and your general mood;Vitamin B--3 (Niacin / Niacinamide) eases your panic and anxiety symptoms, making it handy for a quick recovery after a panic attack episode;Vitamin B--6 (Pyridoxine) performs a few roles in the body, which include enhancing a healthy immune system, heart and circulatory system. It also affects the nervous system in a powerful way by regulating the body's level of dopamine and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), which is responsible for the times we feel self confidence, security and calm;

We all admit that anxiety attacks are very hard to treat if we do not know the factors surrounding it. Many say that stress is one of its primary cause that is why most treatments are bent on addressing stress as well.However, in this article we will deal with one anxiety treatment that has been overlooked by many. Supplementing with vitamins and minerals is helpful in dealing with anxiety attacks.There are several vitamins and minerals which are effective in curbing the irritating effects of anxiety and they are the following:

Magnesium - a dose of 300-400 mg can do the trick. This supplement is responsible for calming the muscles and help the nervous system work more efficiently. It is recommended to give a person proper rest and sleep.Omega 3 fatty Acids - this nutrient can be derived either through capsules as supplements or from raw foods such as oily fishes like mackerel and tuna. The fatty acids help alleviate depression and other factors caused by stress. It is also potent in making the cardiovascular system work in tiptop form.

Aside from the vitamins for anxiety, there are also herbal plants which could help alleviate anxiety disorders. Rhodiola rosea, for one, is known to relieve tension, nervousness, and anxiety. St. John's Wort has been shown to promote normal levels f neurotransmitters. Valerian root, on the other hand, can promote relaxation and can help relieve feelings of anxiety and stress. Winter cherry and passion flower, meanwhile, are known to alleviate irritability, nervousness, tension, agitation, and panic attacks.In addition to vitamins and herbs, there are also other nutrients which are known to relieve anxiety. 5-HTP or 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a nutrient derived from plants. It is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter which regulates your mood. SAM-e or S-Adenosylmethionine, meanwhile, is physiological agent which promotes healthy and normal emotional functions. This is usually taken as a supplement.

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