Audit Your Life

By Evan Sanders

A few years ago I listened to one of my teachers give our class a Holiday pep talk before we left for vacation and I never forgot it.

The words that came out of his mouth hit ready ears and they changed my life for good.

He told us that we must "accept our condition."

What did he mean by this?

He meant that you should understand exactly where you are in life and know why you got there.

It means looking at all different areas of your life - relationships, body, thoughts and emotions, and your environment (work, natural, etc) - and seeing things as they are...

The other important part is to see them as they are and not how you think they should have been.

Why is it absolutely critical to do this?

It becomes the foundation for the life that you want to build.

It allows you to take serious responsibility for how things are right now and gives you the ability to step into the goal setting process with vigor and motivation.

If you can stop avoiding the past, come to terms with it, and then start focusing on moving forward...that's how you start building a new life completely. But if you don't clean up your past you are asking for serious trouble.

So, auditing your life...what does that actually mean in terms of implementation?

The best way to do this is to get on a huge chalkboard and draw out your entire life answering the question of where you are at.

When you engage in this practice you get everything that is floating around in your head on paper and it helps you to start sorting things out.

You give yourself the chance to really see the landscape and then start creating your future one step at a time.

The second piece of this is to envision what you want in the future and start working backwards from Z to A.

If you do this piece by piece you can create milestones for yourself to build that battle plan of yours.

This will give you a milestone based path instead of going into something completely blind. Then, out of those big milestones, write little lists underneath of, "What do I know now & what do I need to know?"

Those lists of what you need to know will further guide you in the right direction.

So take some time to seriously understand where you are at and how you need to go to where you want to go.

Know that this is only the beginning and the best is coming your way.

This process is magic.

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