Why Are Psychics Called Evil?

By Ming Chi Lin

When you hear the name "psychic", you may feel positive or negative. A lot of people today associate psychics with witchcraft and devil worship. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Many psychics come from different religious backgrounds. Some psychics say that they come from a Christian background or a Buddhist background. A lot of cultures use similar words to describe someone that can see into the future. Some of these similar words are: prophets, clairvoyants, seers, witches and sorcerers.

Psychics have the tendency to be helpful to people that would rather not have anything to do with them. Many psychics see something for a person and tell them about it. If anything, many psychics care to deeply for another person. When a psychic first gets started in the industry, they often only want to give free psychic advice. They are not out to get people's money or charge them thousands of dollars for a spell. Most spiritual advisers give people readings because they feel like they are called to help you.

If you are like me, you enjoy helping others. You want to see their lives improve and become special. If you are psychic, you probably have some idea about why they are not experiencing success. If you do, then it's important to communicate your thoughts and insights. Psychics are often called evil because many people think that they worship the devil or want to destroy humanity in some way. In reality, psychics don't want to do this. Most do not worship the devil or have anything to do with dark magic.

At times, psychics are labeled as being associated with witchcraft. Today, being technical is king. Most psychics don't know what magic is or how to cast a spell. Many clairvoyants use only their sixth sense and nothing more. They don't use spiritual tools like tarot cards or runes. Instead, they see most of their information through their mind and tell others what they are seeing. Many psychics are extremely accurate. If a psychic reading helps you, is that evil?

The word evil is often thrown around too much. It is mainly tossed around because people don't' understand what evil really is. If a psychic is helping another person because they feel called to do so, it doesn't make them an evil person. They are simply following their heart into something that makes complete sense to them. Try learning about the individual first before placing a label on them. You may be shocked to find out that they are one of the most loving people that you have ever met before.

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