Finding The Best Meditation Technique

By Virginia Hughes

Many people give up meditation after they find how difficult it is. There is no doubt, it is not something that is easy to start off with. However, there are a lot of things in life that are difficult to get into, but once you do, you would have been glad that you stuck it out. This is where choosing the right meditation technique is helpful.

The mindfulness technique is good for those patients who are either depressed or anxious. It will give them a clear frame of mind. This is what is practiced in drug and alcohol rehab centers a lot. It is also good for borderline personality disorder patients because it allows them to think before reacting in a particular situation.

You may want to combine two techniques, especially when you are just starting out. When you practice that of concentration, you will find that it is easier to keep your thoughts from wandering off. Over time, you will begin to develop this over a prolonged time. During the mindfulness technique, you will feel an inner peace as you will experience good and bad thoughts.

You will also start to see as you practice the different techniques, what sort of benefits the meditation has in your life which can be a huge advantage in your personal and professional life. Research tells one that those who meditate on a daily basis find that they have a lot of physical benefits, such as lower cholesterol and better heart conditions.

Some people may become too technical about the process of meditation. They may do too much research about the art and forget about actually getting into it One actually just needs to sit down and close their eyes. You will find that it is difficult at first, just like everything you try for the first time. However, this is something that you can't read out of a text book. This is something that has to be practiced.

The more you practice this, the more you will find that you are achieving what you set out to do in the first place. However, getting into that routine is essential. Sometimes it helps to do this together with others. Knowing that there are other people in the same boat will give you comfort and motivation. You will often meet others in a class, and this can be very rewarding indeed.

Some people find that they need a little help to get started. This is only natural since a lot of people have been meditating since they were very young and for them this is like second nature. However, should you need help, you can try staring into a candle, or you can try using a mantra. You can also count in a rhythmic way.

Many people feel that you have to sit down and close your eyes in order to meditate. Of course, this is true meditation. However, there are other forms of lighter meditation that work as well. For example you could go and sit outside on the verandah with a cup of tea where it is quiet or you could walk through your garden and watch the birds.

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