Discover The Many Signs That People Are Psychic Mediums

By Christopher Fox

A psychic is a man or woman who can perceive certain energies and forces around them that otherwise, others cannot. This includes being able to hear certain noises, see other existing entities, and even translates to predicting certain outcomes. Aside from having accurate predictions, they can also look into the past of a person or learn personal details about them that they have not told anyone else.

Thanks to their inclination to foreign energies found in their surroundings, they can easily perceive and control their abilities after years of practice. There are many ways to determine when a person has this gift, or if you have it yourself. To aid in this, below are the various signs some persons may be Psychic Mediums.

When you were still young, you may have recounted how you often told your parents or the adults around you about seeing other people in the house. These are often spirits or raw energies that surround your household, which adults are not aware of. This happens because children under the age of three are more susceptible to these things. However, once they are past that age and continue to have these sightings, they may have the gift.

As toddlers grow older and are required to go to school, they will begin to socialize and have friends. Despite being a stereotype, children who are developing their abilities often feel alone or different from kids their age and isolate themselves from the crowd. However, this is actually because they find it hard to relate and form connections with others due to having a more mature emotional intelligence.

Since you were young, you might have remembered being able to see strange lights or shadows when you walk into certain buildings or rooms in your home. When this persists during adulthood and is not a result of an eye disease, this is because you have the ability to see things in your peripheral vision. These small balls of light are actually balls of energy or spirit orbs that inhabit certain parts of this world that has transcended into this dimension.

Clairsentience on the other hand, is a whole different matter. This entails being able to feel or just know things about certain buildings, people, or even animals. For instance, these people will often remark how a certain building may feel strange to them, without clear evidence to back their remark. However, this is an underestimated gift that entails being able to sense the history or aura of certain objects.

Being a medium entails the sharpening of other senses. For instance, some might report the capability to hear things. It does not have to be a concrete and clear voice, but rather the slight hint of a noise or music from a different direction. Others cannot hear this, but they can interpret these noises as messages from other present entities in a room.

When these folks are over stimulated, they will become cranky or anxious because of too much energy hitting them in multiple waves. This is the main reason why they try their best to avoid huge crowds, going to places that have too much noise or people around them. This also translates to flashing lights and too much noise pollution that would make them feel suffocated.

Aside from the waking world, they are not safe within their own mind as well. During rest, they become more susceptible to hallucinations and astral travel. Furthermore, they become subject to lucid dreams that seem to hold plenty of significance if they can decipher it.

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