The How To Fall In Love Book Review

By Douglas Hamilton

Cecelia Ahern has become a well known author because of one of her famous novels that appeal to a lot of people who enjoy magic and a good heart warming story. This novel of hers is known as a modern fairy tail that caters to grown ups instead of children. In order to know more about this, check out this How to Fall In Love Book review.

The two main characters of the story are Adam and Christine. One night, Christine saw Adam trying to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge but stops his attempted suicide anyway and tries to help convince him that life is definitely worth living for. However, Christine has a deadline in which she only has until the birthday of Adam before he attempts again.

In a plot twist, Christine eventually ends up having to be saved by Adam herself as Adam somehow finds meaning in his relationship with Christine. Christine also then finds more meaning in the project that they have and they both end up falling in love. Aside from that, they both try to save each other from their own respective strange thoughts.

One of the most interesting aspects of the story would be the interaction of the characters, two of which, have opposing personalities. Christine is a happy type who loves to help people out and try to encourage them to do better. Eventually, she struggles to make sense of everything after she decided to leave her husband since she felt she did not love him anymore.

On the other side, Adam is actually the rich heir of Basil Chocolates. He is to be the heir of the company in lieu of his dying father. Life took a turn for the worst when he tries to kill himself because he lost his job and his girlfriend cheats on him with his best friend.

The most amazing thing about this story, although a very common plot, is the way Ahern tries to make light of everything. With some injections of humor on to the written material, Ahern tries to make the rather heavy story as reader friendly as possible. The story between the two characters as their relationship buds is by far one of the most amazing as it also mirrors what may really happen in real life.

The topics of suicide, life problems, and self help are very delicate topics to write about because they represent what really happens in real life. However, Ahern was able to get a few serious topics and create something that is enjoyable to the readers. A heartwarming story is about to unfold in this novel.

For those who are after this kind of story, this is definitely a must read. Through the life stories of both the characters, one can actually see how life really is through their eyes. It is definitely a story for those who want something to make them feel warm and fuzzy inside.

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