Stephen Dowicz: How To Fundraise With Success

By Bob Oliver

Anyone that has ever completed a fundraiser can attest to the effort it requires. Despite this, anyone that is interested in starting one of their own should not be deterred. This can be a successful endeavor on your end if you are willing to put in the effort. For those that would like some help with their campaigns, here are some of the best tips that philanthropists along the lines of Stephen Dowicz can offer.

First and foremost, create a list of people that can help you. After all, if you are going to run a fundraiser, it would make sense to enlist people so that multiple avenues are covered. You can get your friends, family members, coworkers, and even your neighbors together so that this event will go off without a hitch. This is just one of the many ways that you can help your fundraiser, so plan ahead of time as much as possible.

Next, set a goal that you can strive for and reach. Stephen M. Dowicz will tell you to have a specific number so that it can make reaching the eventual goal easier. When you set a lofty goal, it might encourage others to get involved in your cause. What this does is increase support, meaning that it will become that much easier to reach the goal in question. If you work hard enough, you may be able to surpass it, too.

Another way to help your fundraiser is by writing things out. Digital media can go a long way, but limiting yourself to this can be a mistake. As a matter of fact, it is more helpful to write out personalized notes to communicate with others. Believe it or not, many people appreciate said notes, as it shows that they are being spoken to on a personal level. As you will come to learn, this is a great way to build support for your fundraiser.

What are some of the ways that digital media helps fundraisers, you may wonder? There are multiple, which is fortunate given the amount of effort that these events need to go off without a hitch. You will not have to worry about keeping track of money or knowing who exactly is helping you with your fundraiser. With digital services that you can easily find with a Google search or two, you can take a considerable amount of stress off your back.

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