Key Characteristics Of Supreme Being

By Patricia Bailey

People have different opinions and explanations on how they became into existence and all other things, which surround them. Thus, the story of creation is something, which has been and still is disturbing so many persons. However, most of them believe that a Supreme Being who is very powerful made them all. Therefore, they have tried to study about Him from His Holy Scriptures to understand Him. The following are some of His characteristics.

The first attribute is omnipresent. This quality implies that the highest being is present everywhere. As for the Christianity and Judaism, this nature is fundamental. They believe that He can be found anywhere and at any time. His presence is continuous from one generation to another even if it is not revealed at the same time or way to persons. This term is commonly used in religious context.

Omniscience is also another characteristic which defines Him; this shows that Almighty has total understanding and knowledge; the quality of knowing all things and everything. He has sovereignty over His makings both invisible and visible. His awareness is not limited to anyone. He not only knows about the secret things that people do but also everything that surrounds them.

Even if there are so many governments, at least each country or state has authority. You cannot compare this with that of God. Omnipotent has to do with power, authority, and control, which is His attribute. He has power over touchable and untouchable, seen or unseen things in the world. Any creature cannot challenge his power. Therefore, He preserves them the way He wants.

Eternity. There is and will never be someone on earth who can live for the period that God will. Forever is part of Him. Most individuals believe that He existed even before the universe was made. He has been there and will be there for eternity. He is immortal thus, will never taste death as all people will do. His life cannot be eliminated by anyone; He will continue to live.

Infinite holiness is equally another essential attribute which the Almighty has. People face a lot of challenges each day, and for one reason or the other, they can fall into a sin. Even if they do repent, they will again find themselves sinning. But the Almighty never has and will never do it. Divinity is holy and will always be.

The deity can love immeasurably. Most persons who are His believers can feel his love. This can tell individuals more because; He shows kindness, mercy, patience and many other things because He so loves all irrespective of how sinful they are. His love is far much different from those of persons.

Self-existence. He was never created nor was He born to anyone. Thus, He is independent. Most persons think that they were designed just to give Him companionship, but this is not true. If His survival was depending on anything, then He could not have been having all the above characteristics.

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