Learning More About The Ancient Art Of Reiki With Energy Healers NJ

By Maria Wilson

The truth is when it comes to reiki healing there isn t one definite way of hosting a session and most practitioners tend to adapt their own style but always remaining true to the nature and the purposed of one these sessions. The truth is, this ancient tradition isn t bound by traditional aspects of timing, and protocol. Energy Healers NJ feed off the energy of the individuals in the room and takes the shape of whatever needs to happen in that sessions. There is an air of spontaneity in these sessions.

The first level of enlightenment, known officially as attunement is focused on learning about the history of the reiki ritual. Where it comes from, its origins and how it works. Think of level one as a crash course or a 101. You will spend a great deal of time learning about correct hand placement and movement.

The part rei in reiki refers to accessing and being acompasses by a higher level of intelligence. The part ki refers to energy that flows through every living being that is breathing which includes animals, plants, as well as human beings. The ki is also sometimes called the chi or the qi from traditional Chinese healing. It is considered as the force of life. The two words combine form the healing method that focuses on spiritual rejuvenation.

The administration of reiki as to be conducted by a practitioner who is responsible for channelling the life force using his or her hands. This a way of guiding the energy to the part that it needs to heal. The hands are like a torch that shines on the broken parts of the spirit and recharges them. This pulls the person s consciousness out and helps them release all the negative force, all the negative thoughts, feelings, anxiety, sadness, emotional distress, confusion and pain to exit the body organically and naturally.

You may also have specific things that you want to get healing for, this would be a great time to share that with the practitioner. When all is said, asked and answered then you can go ahead and schedule a session. Just make sure that all your questions have been correctly addressed and that you have reduced all levels of anxiety.

You learn the meaning of each symbol and how each one connects to your force. Learning how to use the reiki symbols allows you to tap into emotional power and balance. In level two you also learn how to use reiki from a distance. You learn how proximity doesn t affect the reiki process. One of the most important things you learn in level two is that time doesn t affect healing. Which means you can use reiki to cure hurts of the past and the future.

Reiki is one of those rituals that places focus on silence and stillness coming from within. Your own practitioner has gone through extensive training to be able to guide you to the place of full healing and attunement. You practitioner is also there to simply facilitate your healing and some of the responsibility lies on you to be open and receptive. It s imperative that you attend a healing session with a completely open mind and heart. This way your energy pathways are open.

Once attunement on all levels has been obtained you are now enlightened which means you have ability to discern, to be self-aware and to self heal and heal others through reiki rituals.

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