The Secret To Leaving AA And Staying Sober

By Nancy Cooper

People recovering from drugs and alcohol require all the support possible. Alcoholic anonymous provides this support to face this tough test. However, you cannot stay therefore forever. Leaving AA is recommended as your recovery advances. This is a risky step that requires tact. How can you leave and continue being sober? Here are tips by experts that will help you maintain a successful recovery journey.

Have a customized recovery and support group nearby. There are people within the larger family, friends and neighborhood who are also struggling with the same challenge. Join them to form a closely knit group that will enable you achieve desired goals. Such a group is less structured and attracts persons who make it easier to share your challenges during the journey.

Avoid idleness in life as much as possible. This demands that you make your lifestyle more active. The temptation to engage in alcoholism will be reduced. You can join friends and family members in these activities. The active life must involve productive activities. If the activities are not productive, you will still be wasting time and increase the chances of falling back to alcohol.

Appreciate the changes you have made in life and make them count. You realize that you are saving or making more money, enjoying the company of family and friends and even feeling healthier. Once you appreciate these changes, you realize that there is no value in falling back. It propels you to look ahead and embrace the new you with pride.

The change that has happened in your life must also count. There should be a difference since you have dropped alcohol and taken on a new life. The difference comes from the fact that you are no longer paying for alcohol or spending time drinking. It will translate into more money. The time can be spent taking up a new course that makes you employable. The money should buy something that dramatically changes your life. In the absence of these changes, taking on a new life will be meaningless.

Adapt positive ways of dealing with stress and anxiety. A lot of alcoholics blame stress and fear for their slipping into alcoholism. This can be avoided when you take the right approach to dealing with anxiety and stress. This includes engaging friends and family, taking on profitable activities and being positive in your thoughts. You should be aware of your weaknesses when anxiety and stress strikes and take the right action. Know that slipping back will be more hurtful.

Set recovery goals that you must achieve. These goals should focus on your areas of weaknesses by providing specific solutions. For instance, decide to keep away from certain people or places if they cause you to fall into temptations. Track progress through recovery. Get a reward for maintaining soberness through several weeks and months. Such are reminders that will be encouraging for you.

Continue engaging professionals who will guide you through recovery. The monitor vital signs to avoid slipping back. In case you feel the urge to return to alcohol getting stronger, talk to a friend or professional who will help.

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