The Tabernacle Baptist Church Washington DC Is Part Of The Christian Faith

By Pamela Scott

There are billions of Christians all over the world. In the United States of America, there are millions of Christian believers. Some of them are found in Washington DC. As a matter of fact, Washington DC is the seat of American power. It is also where the Tabernacle Baptist Church Washington DC is found. America is not only an important center of business and commerce. It is also a spiritual center because it was founded on Christian foundations. According to a survey that was carried out in America, most Americans identify as Christians and they pray on a regular basis.

One of the things that is very noticeable about the Baptist church is its Bible based nature. In fact, Bible belief is not the exception. It is the norm and the order of the day. The Bible should play a central role in the life of a believer. Every Sunday, the Holy Bible is usually the main focus during the service.

The Holy Bible is divided into two major sections. The first section is the Old Testament. The second section is the New Testament that represents the New Covenant that is presently reigning in the world. This covenant is all about grace. The New Testament ends with the book of Revelation where believers will go to a beautiful place called heaven.

As a Christian believer of Baptist Church, there are a number of things that one has to do as relates to matters of the faith. One will need to live a moral life. Christianity is all about moral living. That is the reason why there are the Ten Commandments that were given to the children of Israel during the exodus from the land of Egypt.

Morality means shunning sin. Actually, sin came to the world through the first human beings that were Adam and Eve. Since then, sin has been a blot in the conscience of humanity. Every human being is born with something that is called original sin. The good news of scripture is that there is forgiveness for sin. This is the age of grace.

The road of sin is dangerous. If one is not careful, this road will end up taking him to hell. The road of sin will come to an abrupt halt when one is baptized through the full immersion into water. Baptism is symbolic in every sense and respect. One will enter the water a sinner and will come out of it a righteous person.

As a Baptist in the United States of America or any other country for that case, baptism is absolutely essential. That is clearly indicated by the name of the church. One has to repent of all his sins so that he can be baptized. After baptism, it is essential to lead a holy and righteous life. One should also pray without ceasing.

A true Baptist will easily be noticed by his righteousness. A believer needs to be the light and salt of the world. There is no one who can light a lamp and place it under a chair. He will instead place it on a table so that the lamp can light the room. When salt loses its saltiness it is no longer worthy but to be trampled under feet.

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