How to Quit Porn Addiction

By Christopher M. Seymour

In this article I'm going to talk to you about how to quit porn.Some men don't ever watch porn.Most men have a relatively healthy relationship with porn, watching it every now and then but certainly not becoming obsessed with it and always preferring the 'real thing'.THE REAL THING being -- sex with a woman.However, there are some men (and since you're reading, this is probably you) who become a little too fond of porn and end up watching it every day, often more than once.[
[Sex Addiction Counseling]

Porn addiction wasn't such a big problem until the internet came to place and skyrocketed pornography exposure and its accessibility. Now with over millions of websites available at your finger tips, it is becoming much easier to browse porn and for some, it's becoming a growing concern and more people are looking for ways to quit this addiction.For most, it start at an early age. 11 years old is usually the age for the average male being exposed for the first time to pornography. This rapidly becomes a habit for many and some don't feel the need to quit. As it starts to become more and more of a routine thing, they grow tired of the usual soft/mild porn and start to look into more explicit material.

As a result, this habit becomes an addiction and unfortunately, leaving it just became a big problem for many as they simply feel overwhelmed by the desire to feed their sexual needs with pornography hence the reason some are starting to look into ways to quit porn addiction.One needs to quit this unhealthy addiction because the negative effects are quite surprising. It can desensitize someone and give them a wrong perspective of how things really are. Someone who has a porn addiction can start to view people as sexual objects rather and human beings. This can lead to serious psychological problems and can also lower that person's self-esteem. They will find themselves using pornography every time instead of trying to get to know a person they might be interested in. It can also lead to the use of prostitutes, going out to strip clubs, doing one night stands and can also lead to break ups and divorces in couples.

There comes a point where you simply have to STOP IT.You have to stop watching it.So make that point TODAY.The longer you carry on with your old habits, the harder it will be to stop.Replace Your 'Porn Watching' With A New Behavior.To successfully stop watching porn in the long-run, you have to find something else to do instead of watching porn. You have to replace the old behavior.You could start going out more with your friends and try to find a real woman to have sex with.Or if you have a woman in your life already, you could try having more sex with her!That's how you do it -- that's how to quit porn.For most people, pornography addiction is like a massive weight on their shoulders and just knowing that they keep engaging in it, they feel helpless resisting against it. With no hope of leaving any time soon, most people simply learn to accept it and accept whatever comes with it. That being said, if you refuse to submit to your addiction and you want to get rid of it before it's too late, you should look into learning how to quit pornography. Here's 5 tips for you on how to quit pornography for good.

Most people think when trying to quit porn that resisting will get you through. The reality is that you'll never make it really far by resisting against your urges and its only a matter of time before you'll crack and relapse. Even if you manage to resist for a decent amount of time, you must understand there are days that are much tougher than others and we will all eventually go through those days. That being said, you should look for a replacement instead.Confront And Replace.Another tip on how to quit pornography is to confront your urges and replace it. Instead of trying to avoid and resist, you need to acknowledge the fact that it's there and you need to treat it. The fact that you get a sudden urge is because your brain is in need of something to make you feel better. This is mostly due to triggers (which we will cover this later). Instead of resisting, find something to do that can replace your porn addiction.

If you've wondered how to stop porn addiction, then I'm sure it is because something isn't going very well. Most people who are trying to stop their porn addiction are starting to see that using porn has a very bad effect on a person. As such, there are things you can do about it and by reading the following, you will have a clearer understanding of porn addiction and how to stop it once and for all.Now there are many negative effects associated to this type of addiction such as committing shameful acts like masturbation, the use of sex toys, prostitutes, stripper etc. It can also cause mental problems like lowering ones self-esteem, desensitization and giving the wrong perception of reality and how things really are. This is a serious matter indeed and anyone who is thinking on learning how to stop porn addiction shouldn't wait any longer.

Get Help And Support.Getting help and support is just as important as all the other tips on how to quit pornography. There are many ways you can do so, one of them is by looking online for help. The idea behind it is that by getting help and support, you'll learn more on how to quit pornography, you'll learn how to know more about yourself and you'll even get support from professionals.Maybe it seems that your internet history is X-rated and every browser window you turn to has extra pop-ups telling you that there are hundreds of women in your area who are begging to meet you. Or telling you how you can get your body ripped in a handful of weeks. If that's the case then maybe it's time to admit to yourself (at least) that you have a porn addiction.

You have to understand leaving it isn't that simple. Just like other additions, it needs treatment. Now there are many ways you can learn how to stop porn addiction whether it be by joining a local services or club or simply finding a good guide online. The most preferred method is usually by getting it online because you can remain anonymous and still learn how to stop porn addiction.Is willpower enough to be able to leave porn addiction behind for good? I will not say that willpower is not something that couldn't help you quit your sexual addiction, whether it's watching porn on the internet, masturbating or cruising to find prostitutes, however, it's a fact that willpower alone won't work for most people.

So work out what the various triggers are that cause you to go to sites that ask you to confirm that you're over 18 and start working on doing something else when the triggers try to kick in.You won't necessarily succeed every time but so long as you can gradually reduce your cravings to view naked people engaging with each other in ways even the Kama Sutra hadn't envisaged then you're on the right track.Find something else to occupy yourself.Ideally, something away from a computer screen. That would definitely be the ideal solution. But I know we're in the real world and computers - or phones with a computer connection - are never very far away, even in the remotest areas.

It is essential that you learn who you truly are and love yourself from the inside. You might be surprise by such statement and think that you do, but you need to know that the fact that you are addicted to porn is proof enough that you have a self-esteem issue that needs to be re-established or even established in your mind for the first time.If your suffer from sexual addiction, you most likely have a problem to connect in a healthy and meaningful way with others, and learning how to do so is a great step towards leaving porn addiction behind. From there, you will finally be able to learn what true relationships and true intimacy is all about. However, all those important steps must be learned and followed in order to work.It is like a rehabilitation of the brain which controls all those behaviors, the good ones as well as the bad ones. With the right help you can rehabilitate your brain, and leave porn addiction behind once and for all. You can win this fight; it's not impossible. Others have succeeded and quite devastating sexual behaviors, but remember, your willpower alone might not be able to do the job on its own. A change in your brain connections will.

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