Why Kids Love Animals

By Lonie Lorenz

Kids find out about animals at summer camp, if you choose a camp that includes animals in the programs they offer. Science camps offer sophisticated learning programs, but there areSummer Camps with animals that include more playful programs.

Getting to know animals through firsthand interaction reawakens a child's sense of connection with nature. Experience with animals as a camper can begin a growing and lifelong respect for nature.

Swift Nature Camp, popular as a Wisconsin Summer Camp and as a Minnesota Summer Camp because of its proximity, offers a variety of ways for campers to meet and enjoy daily contact with animals. Nature's Neighbors is a live animal collection, campers are encouraged to bring their own small animals to live in the camp's Nature Center, and a unique pond aquarium shows life as a frog sees it.

Working in conjunction with the Wisconsin DNR and the U.S. Park Service, Swift Nature Camp has also developed a hands-on environmental learning program which includes field trips, such as visits to a fish hatchery and state parks; hands-on field projects, like goose banding and butterfly counts; and exciting camp presentations, including visits with live owls.

Animals are a part of Swift Nature Camp's voluntary merit program, in which campers can earn special patches by learning skills in categories such as insects, bird watching, pet care, and horseback riding. Acquiring skills is never separate from the fun and play that is a part of being a camper.

The joy of discovering nature is the joy of discovering the world we live in. Living in a natural environment with access to animals is a perfect invitation for expansive play. Camp is a place where children can learn about animals as a participant rather than just receiving information. Camp is more fun and less stressful than school, and the world becomes the classroom.

Do not just pick a Children's Camp it take the effort. It is best that parents do the research first. Once you pick the top 3 camps for your kids and then give them a choice to pick the camp that they feel is best.

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