Habits Olathe Dentists Want You To Perform For Tooth Care

By Fred Adams

Five Methods To Combat Cavities

Dentistry specialists everywhere concur: dental health plays a much bigger role to your all-around health than lots of people recognize. Because of this, it's crucial to speak with your dentist regarding your dental health.

As a dentist in Olathe, Kansas, I routinely counsel our patients about ways they can protect against dental problems such as cavities and cancers. Seeing the dentist regularly is definitely important, but there are also lots of things you're able to do on your own to help maintain good oral health.

1) Routine Brushing and Flossing

Flossing and brushing are pretty straight forward habits, but it might astonish you if I mentioned what percentage of our local Olathe dentistry patients forget to do so. Just about every single dentistry professional believes that it's best to at least brush twice and floss once daily.

2) Quit Eating Most Sugars and Starches

I confer with other dentists in Olathe, Kansas on a regular basis, and one of the things we always agree on is a nutritional position that lots of our patrons don't like to pay attention to. Despite the fact a lot of people do not like to hear it, the fact is that oral cavities are caused by starches and sugars.

Doing away with specific things like sweet treats and fast foods from your diet will help you sustain oral health, and will make your dentist happy. If fully eliminating these sorts of foods from your diet is impossible, it is best to at the very least discover ways to cut back on how much of it you consume.

3) Stop Using Tobacco Substances

Cigarettes and tobacco products stain your teeth, destroy your mouth, and produce oral cancer. Dentistry and specialized medical treatments can become horrendously expensive, and sometimes it is the practical consequences such as these that will motivate a tobacco user to quit.

Our dentist office in Olathe really wants to help folks stop these high risk addictions, so we provide complimentary resources and information about quitting smoking to anyone that wants it. Your local dentist may have very similar resources accessible to those in need of guidance.

4) Stop Drinking Dark-Colored Beverages

Red wine, espresso, dark tea and cola are among the most frequently consumed drinks in America, and my patients are a part of the majority. Our dentist office in Olathe, Kansas is very close to super markets, coffee shops, and take out restaurants. So I am well aware of just how attractive and practical it is to grab low-cost foods and refreshments at any time.

Many of these varieties of products discolor your teeth and diminish the appeal of your smile, and some of them cause oral cavities as well. If you're hesitant to avoid drinking dark, sweet refreshments, then you should at least cut back on these products. Your mouth will be healthier and your dentist will be happier.

5) Visit the Dentist Regularly

You've probably heard this one since you were in elementary school. And guess what? It is still as valid these days as it was when you were a young child. The general rule for my Olathe dentistry patients is at least one appointment at the dentist ever six months. The people who adhere to my recommendations normally have far better oral health as opposed to those who do not.

Dentistry professionals agree that it's much better to avoid dental problems than it is in an attempt to fix them after they occur. It is your responsibility to avoid dental issues from occurring, and these simple guidelines can help you do that.

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