The 5 Most Popular Law of Attraction Books

By Margaret R. Ferguson

It seems that everyday there is a new book on the Law of Attraction but, other than some pseudo-scientific quantum physics mumbo-jumbo there is virtually no difference between the new LOA books and the original LOA books that were written between 50 to 100 years ago. If you quest for self improvement and don't mind a slightly archaic version of modern English, you would do just as well reading the original LOA books and save yourself a fortune on what are basically nothing more than rewrites of the original's texts.
[Law Of Attraction Book]

Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires (Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks and Wayne Dyer).Ask and It Is Given helps you see some of the most life-changing concepts. It reads more like a "how to" book with immediately useable instructions that can profoundly affect your thinking and your feelings. Its in-depth and easy style helps you dig in and really learn how to apply the principles in your life. This popular book is especially for anyone who is struggling with negative or "glass half-empty" kind of thinking. The exercises given can dramatically improve your thinking and emotional state. Ask and It Is Given is one of my all-time favorites.

Here is list of my favorite classic self help books and I have verified that they are all available for download on the internet for free.Acres of Diamonds,As A Man Thinketh,Power of Thought,Think and Grow Rich,Master Key System,Thought Vibration,The Magic Story.There are many more classics available but these are my favorites and it is my sincere belief that these classics a just as effective as the new LOA books that have recently come on the market. Just because they are old doesn't mean that they are not effective. I am more effective today (in my mid-sixties) than I was 40 years ago. These books are like fine wine, they just get better with age.The Law of Attraction has been known for centuries. Many great minds have expounded upon its principles. A large number of famous people have claimed that they have been able to turn their lives around, using the principles outlined by the Law of Attraction.

Feeling is the Secret (Neville Goddard).Neville's philosophy is that "Imagination creates events of our life and is the sole cause of those events." His teachings about how to use your imagination and guiding your feelings are life-altering! Neville's the small but powerful book Feeling is the Secret can have a profound impact on how you think and feel and how that affects what you want in life. Feeling is the Secret is also part of The Neville Reader collection, which is probably the MOST complete and helpful collection of books for explaining the philosophy behind the Law of Attraction. Anything you can get your hands on by Neville is worth the read.

Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill).Since this article is about 5 most popular Law of Attraction books, so I couldn't pass up this all-time classic. Think and Grow Rich is a truly one of THE MOST POPULAR books ever written! This book got me interested in the powerful strategies behind the Law of Attraction and how to change your life. I highly recommend Think & Grow Rich and anything else written by Napoleon Hill.

Why it works.The Dream Book, like many other manifesting tools, works by forcing you to stay focused on your desires. The underlying premise of the law of attraction is that you become what you focus on most of the time, so any tool or technique that increases the amount of time you spend focusing on your desires will also increase your ability to manifest that desire into your life.

The Secret and the Law of Attraction are still very popular today. I have written in other places about The Secret and it's pros and cons. But the Laws of Attraction are another matter. These are universal principles that apply no matter what you call it. The mind should always be your primary weapon. The Laws of Attraction instructs you on how to use it.

The Law of Attraction is nothing new. It's been alive and well since time began. But its workings have been a sort of secret, ear-whispered truth to which few were privy. It's a natural law, like the Law of Gravity. It always has been, always is, and always will be. The goal is to learn to use this Law to the best advantage, to better ourselves and the world around us.Throughout the ages, those who have had the greatest impact on history were surely tuned into this law of reality creation. Inventors and artists, business whizzes and famous statesmen who became internationally known knew (and know) the workings of this Law of the Universe. But now, what was once hidden, for only relatively few to know, has been made available to everyone who can understand and imagine. The international bestselling book called 'The Secret' lays it out for all to understand.

All too often we buy a book, read it and wait for miraculous transformations. It just doesn't work that way. For a system or principle to work for you, you must absorb it. You must practice the techniques until they are a part of your being, melted into your sub-conscious mind.In terms of Law of Attraction books, The Science of Success by Wallace Wattles has no superior! Wattle's writings are head and shoulders above the rest. I always try to find the "roots" of a system and read directly from there. I do that because in general, the farther back you go in time, the closer you are to the uncorrupted message. And one of the roots to The Secret is Wattles writings.

Let's face it, many Law of Attraction books have been corrupted. Some have turned the whole concept into an exercise in hocus-pocus. Some have put some ridicules marketing hooks on it. That is why I love Wattle's writings. It remains true to the science. One key component of Wattle's writings is the idea that you deserve wealth. Many people actually believe it is something to feel guilty about. And for those who are committed to social justice, Wattles points out that to be the best you can be, you need money.If you don't have a copy of Wallace Wattle's The Science of Success, get one. You will not regret it. The man was a true master and if your goal in life is to have more of the good things, achieve your goals- financial and otherwise- this book will help you get there.

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