How To Run A Meeting And Make Progress

By Dom Richards

Organisation and coordination of meetings is difficult and can be daunting, difficulty decreases with time and experience. Why schedule a meeting?? Sorting something out is a big motivator for calling a meeting. Why would someone need to sort something out?? Its all about job satisfaction and we all want to do well and know we tried are hardest and we rely on others to make a lot of decisions in the workplace..

How long to book out for the meeting - It all depends on the content of the meeting but beware of expecting too much of peoples time (efficiency is important).What do you need to know: Who to invite the meeting and who not to, people who are pro active and positive with the authority to make things happen.

Presentation slides are important for the meeting but ensure you have the facilities available. If anyone needs to bring something along ensure you give them plenty of notice for it to be a success. Create an action list / agenda items / accountability for the key issues to be discussed.

Most importantly, during the meeting remain calm even if things get heated. A clear mind will always prevail. Have a few slides prepared if they are necessary. Follow the agenda items as listed below for success. Agenda: Context - Talk about why you called the meeting, and the issues you have. Stakeholders - Talk about why you invited certain people and make them feel important and valued. Your position - Talk about some of your ideas for solution, this will lead to a discussion so be ready to answer plenty of questions. Action items - Detail the work that's still required to resolve the issues and agree on who is doing them and by when. Close out - Thank everybody and let them know you appreciate their time and efforts.

Management presentations can be nerve racking and preparation is the key to minimising the risk of embarrassment, failure or more work. With a positive spin, it is all about selling your great work and gaining support from those who can allow additional resources or steer the project towards where it needs to go. What does management generally want?? To reward those doing a good job, remove risk from the project, allow changes ;to priorities and report on the successes up the management chain. What do you want from management?? In general the project needs to be finished and you want support to continue on as you have done, in fact you are there in the first place on most occasions because you have done a good job and management want to share your success.

Trust and respect are key elements of what you want at the end of any presentation or interaction. With trust you can continue on as you were and make decisions with the backing of your peers and managers without feeling like you continually need to justify your position. Respect is more around the recognition for your work and respect leads to further job opportunities and additional workload. With trust and respect you can change an organisation.

Presenting to management advice

Structure is first and foremost, start with the outline of where you want to take them and progress in a logical fashion. Context / Details / Outcome.

Impression is everything so don't let yourself down. You have done a great job and finish with some positive notes on current work.

If there are touchy elements to the presentation , get them over with early, and allow room for discussion if the audience is engaged, but be prepared for the questions that will come. A good way to do this is read your presentation , think really negatively and brainstorm all the hard questions you could ask yourself. Nobody should be a harsher critic than you personally.

Graphics and pictures are great but also remember that we all learn in different ways. In general men prefer pictures and women are more linguistic.

In finishing, keep it simple (KISS principle)

We all want to do a good job. Relationships at work are pivotal, show your worth!

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