Enrolling In Bay Area CPR Training Classes Is A Worthwhile Endeavor

By Essie Craft

CPR, which stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is an action taken to save a person's life whose heart has stopped or who has become unconscious due to lack of oxygen. An individual should enroll in such a class at least every two years, in order to learn the newest techniques and receive updated facts concerning this life-saving measure. After graduating from a Bay Area CPR training class, a person will be able to assist people in specific emergency situations.

Certain people choose to take a class of this type for personal reasons. However, in numerous instances, one's employer suggests that the person become certified. Companies have various reasons for wanting their employees to obtain such certification. Many times, the company itself pays for the training. If such an opportunity is available for free, one should never turn it down.

Courses of this kind typically include extra training above and beyond CPR itself. For example, among the topics covered are how to treat concussions, abrasions, burns, sprains, and various minor injuries. Teachers also usually discuss different ways to maintain a safe environment for the ill or injured individual, and how to move the person if this is required before medical help arrives.

In the majority of classes, the teacher will at some point explain the importance of designating a specific individual to call for emergency assistance. Such training generally always includes the Heimlich maneuver as well. When the basic tasks involved in emergency care have been explained, the teacher will then break down the steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

The aforementioned maneuver is comprised of breathing into the sick or injured individual's lungs and completing a series of compressions on his or her chest. Those who learn the technique appropriately will potentially be able to save human lives. Dummies are generally used to simulate an injured or ill individual so that participants can hone their skills and practice. The instructor will also clearly explain how to complete CPR on a child, an adult, and an infant, as methods vary among the three.

Such courses also usually cover how to properly operate an automated defibrillator. A defibrillator is a device that can restart an individual's heart who would otherwise expire before medical personnel were able to reach them at the location where the emergency occurred. Also called AED machines, such devices are sometimes found in airports and other public establishments. However, no one should attempt to use such device if he or she is not completely familiar with how to operate it properly.

Courses of this type are provided by a variety of organizations. These include hospitals, colleges, and volunteer fire departments. There is a charge for some programs, while other courses are offered for free. Anyone who is interested in participating should call their local hospital or college and inquire about whether or not any courses are expected to be scheduled in subsequent months.

Anyone who cannot find a Bay Area CPR training class should contact their local Health Department and ask about sponsoring a local class. No individual knows in advance when an emergency may occur. However, those who are skilled in CPR may have the ability to save a person's life who would otherwise have died. For this reason, such training is a worthwhile pursuit.

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