How Can I Interpret My Dream Meanings?

By Andrea Davidson

Dreams are very weird and can confuse us. They can go wild and become nightmares. A lot of people are troubled by them and want a better understanding of them. They often ask themselves; "can I interpret my dream meanings?"

There are many reasons why we have dreams. Freud created one of the most popular theories when he said that we do it in order to experience our unconscious wishes. However, many people believe this point of view is limited. Some cognitive scientists say that dreaming is linked to evolution. They say that we do it in order to practice escaping from threatening situations. As a result, we will be better at dealing with them in the real world.

Others have theorised that dreaming increases our wisdom. If our memory retained every image from our real lives then our brains would overload, so dreams work to decide what is worth keeping and what should be jettisoned. This makes us wiser in the real world because we are less weighed down by pointless information.

Other people believe that dreaming is a bit like cleaning your computer's hard drive. The brain links data in a certain way but this process can work more quickly. Our brain operates in a more random way while we are sleeping and invents quicker ways to process information. This can make it function with greater efficiency.

Some doctors say that dreams enable us to confront emotions which our rational, waking mind would find too troubling. When we sleep then, we are able to confront these problems by converting them into images. It is similar to therapy. The other modern theory is that dreams have no special meaning at all. They are simply the result of the brain working in a random way because there is no consciousness to control it or give it direction.

To interpret your dreams, you need to be able to remember them as fully as possible. If they are unclear it is very hard to do any meaningful work on them. Keep a notebook near you bed because then you can write them down as soon as you are awake. Write every detail about your dream that you can possibly remember, it doesn't matter how silly it might seem.

Try not to turn your dreams into a story. This might appear to be a sensible thing to do but it blurs their true meaning, making interpretation more difficult. When analysing them though, you should bear in mind that they linked to whatever is happening in your life. There are no general answers to be found. You have to determine the meaning for yourself.

Try not to over analyse your dreams at first. Look for the most obvious connections to your real life. Anything that resembles it should be dealt with first, as should anything in your dreams which you think you've actually done.

Can I interpret my dream meanings? The answer is yes but you need to make your own conclusions about them. You'll have to be truthful with yourself as well as putting the effort in.

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