How To Get A Girl's Number

By Maria Moller

You really want to know how to get a girl's number? To start, let's clear your mind of all the cheesy ways you have seen guys behave in person, in the movies, or even from a fantasy in your mind regarding how you would ask for her phone number. To a girl, a phone number is often regarded as a private matter and getting that number means she trusts you and likes you enough to give it. You want to respect that, even though to you it is not a big deal since it is just a phone number.
[How To Get A Girls Number]

Consider the fact that most females are advised early in life not to speak to strangers, specifically men, much less not to give their phone numbers to a guy they hardly know. Think about it briefly. A girl you are interested in might have experienced a stalker or bad guy in her not-too-distant past. Only after you show genuine compassion and interest towards her will the art of getting a girl's number be executed.

Make great eye contact.It's an easy thing to do but some guys go wrong here. You may just be nervous but if you don't look a girl in the eyes you will seem untrustworthy. On the other hand I don't suggest an unwavering stare either, that can be creepy and unnerving A good tip is to alternate unselfconsciously between eye contact and watching her lips as she speaks. If you're interested in what she has to say this shouldn't be that unnatural.

And it offers up something that sounds attractive to a woman - "re-connecting." Women are motivated to focus on relationships and connections with people more than anything else, so the thought of re-connecting is especially powerful for her.How to get a girls number - Step 3) Never ASK for the number.A lot of guys are wishy-washy and they do the "scared salesman close": "Uhm... do you... uh... think you might want to give me your number so I could call you sometime... maybe... if it's not too much trouble...?"

That's totally weak. You must simply TELL her what you want."Give me your phone number - so we can continue this conversation sometime." Pull out your cell phone and just wait for her to give it to you.It's that simple. And by telling her why, you've even removed any possible questions she might have had in her head about why.Remember that women want you to be confident enough for BOTH you and her. She's looking to YOU to determine how she should feel about the interaction. Your confidence will spill over to her - letting her know that she can feel safe with you, and you're going to be the MAN - the one with the initiative to fulfill all those romantic fantasies of hers.

And if you want to get the complete roadmap of how to go from home alone to how to meet and attract the sexy girlfriend of your dreams, then you need to learn how to approach and flirt with women with my home study program. It's fast, easy, and guaranteed to get you from no women to wherever you want to be in just a few weeks.The more time you spend with her, the more value you can build and your chances of getting the number will increase. Staying an extra ten minutes can often be the difference between her giving you the number or rejecting you.Once you perfect this, you will have women writing their phone numbers down without even thinking twice. It is all about the psychology of human behaviour and once you understand it, you will get as many numbers as you want. Just realize that all you have to do is ask. However never use the following phrases:

Construct on the similarities. You will be able to find similar things you have done before, or want to do as you get to know her; the connection and desire to share experiences together stems from the experiences shared from one's past. This builds rapport. That is a key aspect of how to get a girl's number. If she talks about an outing she really enjoyed, you listen, you react, you reply with a similar experience of your own. Build your story with excitement, intrigue, and passion. As a result, she will be at ease with your company since she can relate your story to hers.

Asking for the number. The final say comes when you need to ask for the number. However, this is a non issue because of the work you've done ahead of time in building rapport. You shouldn't be concerned, it will be natural. Whenever you find something you both are interested in, simply add "we should try that together some time..." Usually she will say it for you. From there, you can take a natural step to request for her number. Just add "let's trade cell phones and I'll call you to set it up.... here, pen your name and number in." and give her your phone.

Let her give it- Take this argument to a level where she starts to find it interesting and is looking for more and more. Make an early exit and let her know that you have other important things to do that just talk to her. Now this is the crucial part and this is where you need to work a bit as well. Some girls just wait for you to ask for their phone number therefore you should do this in a cheeky way as well. Before leaving say- I am not done yet but we can carry this on some other day. By the way do you have a phone? She might say yes.

This is a very basic question and will start to build a yes ladder. She will answer yes and you then hand her the pen and paper and tell her to write it down. You treat her yes as confirmation that she wants to give you her email. This is also an attraction test and the more she invests in you, the more she will be willing to invest in the future. As she is writing down her email address, you simply say, ""Write down your number too!".In the example above, you have broken down the giving of the number into two steps, which dramatically improves the chances. The strength of this method is that you are asking them to write their phone number down as they are writing down their email and, in doing so; you have built a very powerful compliance momentum.By asking for her email, you have given her a very small attraction test and if you have any value built at all, she will comply with you. It's very low risk and most people give out an email address without thinking about it. Asking for the phone number is much more personal, but by asking for it while they are writing down their email, your chances of success will skyrocket. Try it and you will realise how powerful this is!

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