Protect The Environment With Made In The USA Products Directory

By Andrea Davidson

American made merchandise is not as easy to find as it used to be. It's almost impossible to shop in stores and find products made exclusively in the USA. For any given item consumers will generally even those with an American label were manufactured elsewhere. With the state of the economy and the fact almost 30 million jobs have been lost in the last decade the made in the usa products directory provides consumers with a myriad of domestic products.

Consumers will find everything from clothing, eyeglasses, and other personal items to residential household, lawn and garden supplies, furniture, automobiles, and boats, as well as a wide variety of other items. Industrial woodworking, milling, and a list of manufacturers on almost any product can be found. Buying from domestic manufacturers also means keeping jobs at home, and building up a struggling economy.

This is especially true since the loss of manufacturing has had its effects on jobs and growth. Five jobs are created for every manufacturing job saved or created. This means buying American not only puts money back into the economy, but allows American families and businesses to prosper.

Also consider that when buying those made abroad, the money goes into foreign markets and economies. Part of the money for the product goes into paying workers for making the product. The workers in turn spend money in their countries and communities, which stimulates economic growth. When products are bought from foreign markets it stimulates foreign markets. When they are bought in the USA the domestic economy is stimulated.

Not only that, but American laws can often be vastly different from foreign laws. For instance, environmental and human rights are almost nonexistent in some foreign countries. This makes upholding abuses to workers or damage to foreign soil, water and air next to impossible. Buying domestic means consumers are assured American laws are upheld.

American labor regulations stipulate that children cannot be used in labor and workers cannot be forced to work long hours. Neither of these conditions apply abroad. Laws in regard to human rights in other countries are sometimes slow to progress, and when abuses occur workers may not have no options. American merchandise assure labor laws are upheld, environmental practices are ensured, and the right of workers are not ignored.

Domestic products also ensure small businesses can compete in the marketplace. The cost of shipping, import and export, and customs fees can be more than many small businesses can afford in the long term. This issue alone has put many small businesses completely out of business.

Knowing this, when considering purchasing products and services, make sure to investigate the made in the USA products directory. Not only will consumers benefit from top products and services, but they will create American jobs. With job creation is economy growth, and assurance of the best possible labor and environmental practices in the world.

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