You Can Help With Can Recycling Sacramento

By Andrea Davidson

As you travel about the city going about your normal routine you will have noticed some blue coloured bins. These are there as places for people to place their recyclable items in, instead of them being put out with the general trash. The aim of people using these bins is to help preserve the Earth's natural resources. It is simple to become involved with a can recycling Sacramento scheme.

Its quite surprising to find out that what some people view as trash, others see as recyclable. Just consider how many tins and cans you trash on an average week. Even if there are only ten, now multiply that by the number of weeks in a year. The number is quickly mounting up, now try to imagine all of the people in your neighborhood are trashing the same amount as you.

So now that this has been pointed out it is simple to understand how a little bit of effort can make a difference. These food and drink cans will be made from either aluminium or steel. An easy way to tell the difference between the two involves a fridge magnet. If the magnet is attracted to the can it will be steel, and the others are aluminium.

One frightening statistic is that each year more than 50 Billion cans are disposed of. To put that into perspective, that would provide enough metal to build 13 aircraft carriers. Looking at things in a different light, just 4 aluminium cans recycled will create an energy saving equivalent to that required to run a washing machine for one hour. Even one recycled can creates an energy saving of enough to listen to your favourite album.

So the first step begins with you. Imagine that you have just finished a can of soda, and have placed it in the blue bin. These blue bins are emptied on a regular basis and the collection of aluminium cans is taken to a central collection point. When there are sufficient they are then transported to a treatment plant, to begin the next stage of their journey.

At the treatment plant your empty soda can will be subjected to various tests. If it passes these tests it gets cut up into small pieces. The pieces are then heated to help remove all of the designs and logos painted on the surface.

When that heat treatment has been completed the metal pieces are subjected to even more heat. All of the pieces now come together as a molten mass. This will then be poured into moulds, and when cooled they will have become solid ingots, or bars, of aluminium. The ingots in turn are formed into flat sheets, a manufacturer finds making a new soda can a lot easier this way.

So you can really help the environment by a such a simple action, it will further assist if you also get into the habit of separating steel from aluminium cans. It also benefits if you can also wash the cans out before placing them in the blue bins provided. So it makes sense to get involved with an active can recycling Sacramento network.

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