The Undeniable Benefits Of Daily Affirmations

By Victoria W. Bergman

In order to feel good about ourselves, our lives, and our circumstances, it's necessary to consciously feel appreciation for them. The most effective way to feel appreciative is to use positive self talk, which can be done with daily positive affirmations.From the time we're small children, throughout our adult lives, we hear messages about ourselves. These messages might be positive, or they could be destructive. Kids who grow up hearing "you'll never amount to anything," tend to believe what they hear, and then work to fulfill the identity they hold for themselves. On the converse, children who hear positive messages about themselves tend to fulfill those identities as well.
[Self Improvement]

Some people use daily affirmations to help them find the confidence to face the day. These are, after all, sounds in another format. Everything we hear is sound. It's the meaning we attach to it that causes our emotions to run high or to flatten out to a tranquil state. So to find those sounds that have the best effect is essential to finding affirmations that work.Have you ever heard how it doesn't matter what you say to a baby because it's the tone in which you say it? This has the same effect on us if we can't understand what the meaning behind the words is. I remember hearing a beautifully intoned phrase in German and thinking it must be something beautiful. It turned out to mean "we're having some really shocking weather".

If you're ready to start feeling more positive about yourself, it's simple. Select a handful of positive affirmations, look in the mirror, and repeat them to yourself. You can do this in the morning before you leave the house, and again, before you end your day. Examples might be:I am creative, intelligent, and attractive, and I enjoy a wonderful circle of friends.My talents are noticed and appreciated by my peers.I walk boldly and confidently into new situations and I make friends easily.I meet every challenge with grace and creativity.

Affirmations, like any personal growth exercise, take repeated practice. In order to feel differently, you must think differently. Affirmations allow you to think about yourself in a new way. Positive affirmations are like a reset button, allowing you to dismiss the thoughts or beliefs that don't enrich your vision of who you are.

Men are expected, by most people, to be strong and commanding in virtually all aspects of their life. Have you ever wondered how some of these men seem to stand out among their peers? The use of positive daily affirmations is the most likely reason for this. By using and practicing these affirmation tips, men in today's society are more in control of everything around them. Here are some tips to help make positive daily affirmations work for any man that you may know.

The first thing to realize is that positive daily affirmations are designed to sit in your subconscious mind. They aren't things that you will want to dwell on during the day, you want them to sit tucked away where you won't see them constantly, at least where you know about. They are designed to reside under the top layers of your brain, in order to reprogram the way that your mind views things.

A few decades ago, television advertising gurus decided to work on subliminal messages. You would be happily watching a show on the television and a picture of a hamburger from a major chain would pop up on the screen and go away so fast that the mind wouldn't even register that it happened. However, the subconscious mind did see it. Your subconscious could take that picture and dwell on it, causing your active mind to crave that hamburger. Actively, you never knew where you got the idea from in the first place, you just knew it was something you wanted and craved. Positive daily affirmations are the same way. They sit in your subconscious mind, where they slowly spread to the rest of your mind.

An important fact to note is that positive daily affirmations, in and of them selves, do not make you a lot of money, or make you physically look better by offering you plastic surgery. Instead, affirmations change the way you view the things around you in order to make you see that you are as your mind says you are. If you have less than $100 in your bank account, but are scraping by, paying your bills, and generally surviving, you can program your mind to see this as being wealthy. Obviously, by most people's standards, you aren't rich at all. Because you have been saying in your positive daily affirmations that you are rich and comfortable, your mind sees it that way though. You see that overall, you are happy with the situation you may be in. This is why some people who have less money will often seem more positive about their life than someone with a lot of money already.

Daily affirmations are available in many places (online, in books), but the more personal they are, the more effective they will be. This is why we encourage you to write your own. It's easier than you might think. First, grab a paper and a pen. Write down what you are unhappy with, or what you would like to change in your life. Then, write in present tense what would make you happy. This might look something like, "I hate being broke," and then, "I am financially secure and happy." If you have trouble with this, start simple and short. You can always edit your statement later on to be more specific. "I am happy," is a fine beginning.

As you can see, there is much more to positive daily affirmations than just reading a few "feel good" books. You must understand that all of the work takes place in your subconscious mind, and that they require no further overt help from you. When the affirmations seep into your mind, your mind will do the rest, causing you to see the results but not have to work so hard for them. That is how your positive daily affirmations will help you change the world, one mind at a time.

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