Will I Ever Find Love?

By William R. Givens

You are not alone in this. We all struggle with this at some point or another. I think yes you can find love again. Something I want to point out here. If you haven't found it yet, does it make sense to keep doing what you have done in the past. Have you stepped outside of your box to find love. What I mean is have you tried different approaches, different mindsets or ideas to find love.
[Will I Ever Find Love]

This is because of the amazing way our brain or more importantly our subconscious works. Our subconscious mind can not tell the difference between reality and perception, true life or make believe. Basically, what we focus on or ask ourselves manifests in our life because of this process. For example, have you ever driven yourself crazy trying to remember something that you knew you knew, given up on it and then woke with a jolt at 2 in the morning with the answer? This is because your subconscious never gave up and kept "going through your brains files" until it found the answer!

Are you online dating. 1 in 5 relationships start online. You can make all the excuses you want but the fact is this. It works if you do it right. If you just toss a profile up there with out a lot of thought, you are setting yourself up for failure in this area as well. To date online is like a job and should be taken seriously. You need to invest time and possibly even money into it to really succeed. Get a professional profile, have a dating coach help you if you get frustrated with online dating. Online dating should be fun.

So what really is the problem? Are you too ugly? No way! Way more physically challenged people than you have managed to find love!:) Do you have a bad job? Do you smoke? Do you drive a crappy car? Are you too poor? Are you too tall, short, wide, thin?! Are you too successful or not successful enough? Do you stutter? Are you an amputee? Is your skin bad? Do you have a funny accent or a lisp? And the reasons people give themselves for not being able to find love goes on and on and on. The thing is that all the "reasons" above plus the thousands more are all DEAD WRONG! Yep! Every single one of them.Unless you are the only one on a deserted island or in some other solitary confinement there is only one reason why you are yet to find love! You are not emotionally open to finding love. Simple as that.

If you are distressed and lonely and wondering will I ever find love again open your mind to new possibilities. Invest into new programs or change what you are doing now. It makes no sense to expect different results if you continue on the same path. If you want to find true love, be open to trying different things."Will I ever find love?" is a question that has been asked by people since the beginning of time really. Love is a need that every person should want fulfilled. The problem is that a lot of people across the world aren't exactly sure about how to find it.

At other times we can lose this ability to love due to fears about what the future may bring or a painful past. Additionally, no matter how much someone may at one time love you, if you cannot fully love them back, the relationship is doomed. In these cases people often find themselves in difficult and emotionally draining situations or find the whole process too hard and simply give up on relationships.If this has previously been you or you notice some similar behaviors, it doesn't always have to be this way.What you need to do is start to change the world by filling your own life with the kind of love other people find intoxicating, attractive and irresistible. If you are open and honest with others, you will find that you start connecting with people in ways you may previously have thought impossible. Living your life in this way will show you love that you once thought only existed in fairy tales!

However, It is not always that easy to just turn on the love and live with "an attitude of gratitude" is it? You need to be able to clear away all the negative thoughts, patterns and beliefs that you already have and replace them with the exact opposite. That is where the amazing technology of brain entrainment comes in.With binaural beats and isochronic tones, these spectacular recordings alter your consciousness and stimulate your brain using deep Theta and Alpha states that put your conscious and subconscious mind into such states that ensure your mind, body and spirit is ready to find love.To answer the original question "Will I ever find love?" Yes. You can.

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