Best Inspirational Womens Blogs To Read

By Dennis Anderson

More and more people are seeking solace and encouragement from the internet before they do it from their own friends. Maybe the internet does not forget but if one finds the right platform, it does not judge either. Inspirational womens blogs have one thing in common, subject matters that cut across the board. Most issues affecting ladies do not choose between rich or poor, young or old, big or small.

The glass ceiling in the workplace has been a concern for ladies for years. They are subjected to a prescribed threshold for professional progression. To move past that is difficult as it is assumed that this female will be preoccupied with family. Too occupied to successfully sit at the table with the men. This is why lady CEOs are so celebrated. They have overcome the odds. Their stories are always encouraging.

A man can decide to be a bachelor for life. However, when a lady makes the same decision. She is called names like ice queen and spinster. The latter is an English word but is so harsh and derogatory. She becomes fodder for gossip and forced blind dates from family. Married friends avoid her.

No one can have it all. Well, there are ladies who do have it all. Ladies who are killer in the corporate world by day and sweet attentive mothers to their adorable babies when home. Nothing wrong with this. The only problem is difficulty achieving a balance between the two such that none suffers.

An unsolicited touch. Demand for sexual favors in exchange for professional consideration. Inappropriate remarks about the female form directed at a female workmate. These are all things that happen in the workplace every day. For years, a female NO has held no water. The situation is getting better but there is still a lot to be done. While ladies strive to achieve this, there are others who suffer silently without an idea of how to stop it or to have justice served.

To effectively motivate and encourage someone, they must see you. The real you, no facade no mask. Therefore, ensure a degree of vulnerability on the platform. Let the readers see that the host seems to have it all but she still struggles. That they can be, will be and are okay despite all the struggles that come with having the X-chromosome.

No one starts this endeavor to be famous. The reason is always to help as many people as possible. To do that, have great and relevant topics. But most of all, write well. The message should not leave room for ambiguity.

Stay away from controversy and drama. Ensure the readers know not to leave comments that will elicit drama and bitterness. There should be no catfights in the comments section.

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