Old Testament Prophecies About Jesus Fulfilled

By Shirley Snyder

The coming of Christ, his miracles and ministries are prophesied in the Old Testament, a book that was written long before he was born. This is through words that have direct comparison to what is captured in the gospel and other books written about Christ. Here is a summary look at the prophecies about Jesus that are in Old Testament and how they are captured, reflected and fulfilled in New Testament.

Jesus is referred to as the Son of the Most High. This reference of the son is repeated in so many scriptures that it is impossible to miss it. Psalms 2,7 is where God pronounces that He is pleased with Christ, long before he was born. These words are repeated during baptism on River Jordan and during transfiguration. This is the clearest indication that the reference was on Christ.

It is prophesied that a virgin would conceive and bring forth a savior. This savior is Christ the Son of God. Isaiah is the prophet who captures Mary in verse 14 of chapter 7. This comes to pass when Mary, a virgin betrothed to Joseph receives the message from an angel and conceives by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a mystery that comes to be in chapter 1 verse 23 of Matthew and other gospels.

People are told to prepare the way for the Lord by making it straight. This meant denouncing sins and accepting Christ. This announcement was made long before Christ began his ministry by John the Baptist. He calls Christ the blessed one who comes in the name of the Lord. What Isaiah foresees in chapter 40 verse 3 comes to pass. In fact, John says it clearly to his disciples to ensure that he is not mistaken for Christ.

The passion of Christ is also prominently prophesied long before it came to pass. Isaiah 53,5 states the Christ was wounded because of our transgressions. It is through his stripes that we are healed. All the four books of the gospel capture the suffering and death of Christ. In fact, Israelites were given the golden statue to look at in order to get salvation from snakes. This was signifying the death that Christ was to encounter.

Apart from the snake in the wilderness, Nephi in chapter 25 verse 13 states that Christ will have to die on the cross, be buried and resurrect on the third day. This is the only way he will gain salvation for mankind. The people that believe in death on the cross are promised salvation.

The book of Psalms also gives an account of what is to happen for Christ to die on the cross. They are to pierce his hands and legs on the cross. Chapter 22 verse 16 says that the wicked have besieged me and pierced both the hands and legs. This is exactly what happened to Christ on the cross. Chapter 18 predicts that they will share his cloths by ballot. This is exactly what happened at Calvary.

The Old Testament features a lot of prophecies that were fulfilled in the New Testament. The above episodes are just a few of them that demonstrate that the promise came to be. It would only be an arrogant person who would deny that Christ was not prophesied and became a fulfillment.

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