The Need To Empower Women Professionals Company

By Cynthia Hamilton

Money is what makes the world go round. To exist in the modern world, people need it. Regardless of gender, people need to make a living. But some people are going to have a harder time making that living that others, solely because society sees their chosen gender as being less than. Of course, such a bias must be corrected and actively rallied against, so it is important to empower women professionals company.

Women work just as hard as men. They can be just as talented as any man, if only given the chance. The fact of the matter is that all talent must be utilized in order to maximize profit.

Being a woman in the workplace is hard. For starters, just getting hired can be a hurdle, as many of people, regardless of gender, have an inherent bias that favors men. When a woman does get find employment, they can be paid significantly less than a male coworker with the same level of experience in the exact same position. Finally, one of the saddest realities of the world is that many women will be sexually harassed at some point in their life, and it often takes place in the workplace.

The thing about being a man is that society tells them to act a certain way, that they have to be aggressive and emotionally closed off. This leads to them being rather blunt when it comes to solving problems. If there is an obstacle in front of them, they just charge forward and mow in down with as much force as they can muster. But women are raised differently. They are groomed for motherhood by the toys and games that most parents get them. This leads them to being gentles and a little less prone to aggression than men, which leads to them solving problems in a much different manner than simple blunt force.

It is the 21st century. Within the new millennium, there are now many affirmative actions laws that positively discriminate towards minority workers. Having at east a few females in the office means following at least a few of those affirmative action guidelines.

On average, men have about thirty three to forty percent more upper body strength than women. As such, society dictates that they are the aggressors. Now, this leads to men being seen as inherently aggressive, which makes people more wary of them. Women on the other hand are raised to be more gentle and nurturing, to prepare them for motherhood. This leads them be seen as more trustworthy.

The thing about girls is that they are more dedicated to school than boys. This is why they graduate at higher rates than boys. Whether it be high school, college, or graduate school, girls graduate at slightly higher rates than boys. This leads to them being more educated. And a more educated workforce is more effective workforce.

Correlation does not equal causation. Just because phenomenon A happened just before phenomenon B does not necessarily mean that phenomenon A cause phenomenon B. That said, it has been noted that companies with female leadership do better than companies that without it.

The world should be fair. But its not. Regardless, people should still try to make it so.

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