Our Thoughts Are Energy - The Science of Getting Rich

By Marinda Kleijweg

Wallace D. Wattles (1860 - 1911) was the author of his best known book 'The Science of getting Rich'. Published over a century ago, Wallace Wattles Science of Getting Rich remains an interesting read for anyone interested in improving themselves through the Law of Attraction.This powerful book is intended for men and women who have made their minds up that they want to get rich. Only by aligning ourselves with the positive forces of natural laws can we gain unlimited access to the creative mind and its abundant rewards. The Science of Getting Rich holds the secret to how economic and emotional security can be achieved in a practical way while maintaining a loving and harmonious relationship with all of life.
[The 11 forgotten laws]

First, the Science of Getting Rich in available in PDF for free. The book, written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles, is now in the public domain. This is the reason why it's available for free download in PDF format. It's not only some excerpts, but the whole book in PDF. Don't assume that because the book is available for free, it means that it is not extremely valuable content.

So, if you are ready to make that mind leap then read this absolutely fascinating book, it teaches the importance of focused attention, and the importance of going out and doing something rather than wishfully hoping for wealth to come your way. Take positive action now.All that is has been created through thought; man also has the power to create through his thoughts; by choosing e.g. wealth, the universe expands (which is its natural order); to manifest what you have expanded from the non-physical into the physical reality, you do so through internal mental techniques such as visualisation, vibrational alignment, faith and gratitude.

"When you know what to think and do, then you must use your will to compel yourself to think and do the right things... You must not rely upon thought alone, paying no attention to personal action. That is the rock upon which many otherwise scientific metaphysical thinkers meet shipwreck--the failure to connect thought with personal action." - you must take action.You have the ability to build the life you want for yourself, it is innate within you. Every living thing is compelled toward more life, and you are no exception, so don't talk yourself out of your greatness.

There is a lot more to The Science of Getting Rich than most people understand. But you now know the basis of getting anything you want in life and using the principles in The Science of Getting Rich for yourself.The Science of Getting Rich" calls on you to form a vision of the things you want. It also has a call to action in the place and job you are in so that you more than fill your present place. You are not doing this to please your employer, although it may, you are doing it to advance yourself. You are doing it because your future is so compelling (because of your visioning) that you inject energy, purpose, and faith into the moment you are in. Those who work with you and those who come in contact with you will feel this radiance and sense of increase and will be attracted to you. Always remember: vision and action.

Visualize, It is necessary to visualize: according to "The Science of Getting Rich," this holding of your vision in the "Thinking Substance" will cause your desires to form. Holding your vision should be a part of your work in leisure hours. Contemplate your vision and firmly fix it in memory, see the picture of your future in your mind's eye. Some find it helpful to make a vision board with pictures of the objects of their intentions and desires: while this can help it is not necessary. Make a vision board if it serves you, but don't get hung up on it.

According to Wattles each of us has the right to be rich. He asserts that it simply isn't possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. To develop talent and unfold the soul requires the use of many things which require money to purchase.Of course, there is a science of getting rich and it is an exact science and has nothing to do with your environment or the possession of talent. Getting rich is the result of doing things in a Certain Way that causes success.There is abundance of opportunity everywhere for the man who will go with the tide; instead of trying to swim against it. Wattles rightly points out that everyone has the potential for success by searching for and embracing the opportunities available to them.

Mr. William Wattles knew that in order to have a complete and successful life, one has to be rich. And he has recognized and has written in his book that no man can rise to his greatest potential in both talent and soul unless he has the money. The reason for this is one will not be able to develop the soul and talent if one does not have the money for it's development. He has recognized that the money indeed makes the world go round and society operates that way so man must have the money to become the owner of things. Therefore the building block for the advancement for man is the Science Of Getting Rich.

How riches come to you is if your business transactions operate on the basis of fair exchange i.e. you give the buyer something of greater use value than the cash value you take. In addition, we must ask largely for what we want, have a clear picture in our mind and claim it as if it were already ours. In other words, we must dream big, see it clearly and behave as if we have already achieved the thing we desire in order for it to be. This is possibly the most powerful concept in the book and is explored in other books such as The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.A mental attitude of gratitude can be the one thing missing from people who live their lives rightly in all other. This lack of gratitude keeps them in poverty. Gratitude will ensure your thinking is that of supply as unlimited. Faith is born of gratitude. The grateful mind expects good things, and expectation becomes faith. It's good to cultivate the habit of gratefulness and give thanks continuously. It can be a good idea to keep a gratitude diary on your bedside table and writing 3 things daily that you are grateful for. This will bring you into harmonious relations with the good in everything, and the good in everything will move toward you.

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